International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue VI, June 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186
Catholic Women’s Association (CWA) in the Nso Fondom of Cameroon from 1964-2013: An Historical Appraisal
Happiness Yinyuy
Department of History and African Civilisations, The University of Buea, Cameroon
Abstract: This paper examines the activities of the CWA of the Roman Catholic Mission and its impact on the Nso community in Bui Division in the North West Region of Cameroon. From its inception, the main aim of this association was, and still is, to enable the women to study the Word of God, build their Christian faith and foster the works of evangelization in the Church and in the community. The focus of this study is to show how instrumental the women have been in carrying out activities that have an impact on the church in particular and the community at large. The spiritual growth of its members was enhanced by teaching them the doctrinal and biblical lessons contained in the work plan of the association. Home economics lessons were also taught as well as self-empowerment projects that helped to foster the economic growth of the womenfolk in particular and the community in general. The group also carried out charitable activities by providing both the spiritual, financial, and material assistance to the poor, sick, and underprivileged persons living in the community. Some spectacular activities were carried out during annual conferences and during the dedication of new members into the association. This work was carried out with the use of primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained by conducting interviews with CWA officials, members, and chaplains. Secondary sources were obtained from books and CWA magazines. Within the period under study, the CWA carried out spiritual and socio-economic activities which affected more especially the lives of women, and the entire community.
Key Words: Catholic Women Association
The year 1962 in the history of the Roman Catholic Church saw the opening of the Second Vatican Council in Rome presided over by Pope John XXIII. Amongst the decisions of this Council was the decision to encourage the participation of the lay faithful in the evangelization work of the church (Amungwa, 2012: p.7). The formation of the CWA was prompted by the declarations made by the Second Vatican Council on the apostolate of lay people. Apostolica decree No.24 states that the hierarchy’s duty is to favour the lay apostolate, furnish it with principles and spiritual assistance, direct the exercise of the apostolate to the common good of the church, and see to it that doctrine and order were safeguarded (CWA Bylaws and Statutes, 2012: pp.iii). Most fundamental of all the Council”s decision was the basic tenet that access to the scripture should be “open wide” to all Christians. Thus, in line with this declaration made by the Council, Anna Foncha thought it necessary to form an association where Catholic women could jointly meet to study the Word of God, build their Christian faith and foster the works of evangelization (Anna, Foncha, interview, 2016).