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Causes of Divorce in Gaya District of Hong Local Government Area Adamawa State

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue VIII, August 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705

Causes of Divorce in Gaya District of Hong Local Government Area Adamawa State

Valada Alex, Tabitha M. Vandima
Department of Science Education Faculty of Education Adamawa State University Mubi, Adamawa State Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This study find out the causes of divorce in Gaya District of Hong Local Government Area Adamawa State.simple random sampling and purposive sampling was used to sample divorce, divorcee, married men and women 25 each as respondents in the entire area where mean, standard deviation and t-test was used to analysed the result obtained. Based on the findings of the study, the results shows that numerous factors account as a cause of divorce in the area and no significant differences was found among the opinion of divorced, divorcee, married men and women in the district. It is further recommendated among others that; Couples should go for long courtship for them to understand each other, religion bodies should endevour to provide marriage counseling to all intended couples and establish a bench mark for bride price, married couples should avoid all unnecessary advices from third parties that at times may lead to divorce and Government should organise seminar programmes on marriage that will boaster strong understanding on marriage among youth.

Keywords: Divorce, Causes, Problems


Divorce is an endemic that affects African society especially in Gaya District in Hong Local Government Area. It is an unhealthy way of terminating the everlasting planned happiness between couples or an unexpected occurrence that brings about the death of marriage between couples. As a concept, divorce has been looked upon by researchers in different ways. Grath (2001) in Aragu (2014) refer divorce as a legal or customary decree that a marriage is dissolved, Olaniyi, (2015) refer it as a legal dissolution of a marriage, Clark and Brauner-Otto (2015) as a main drivers of family instability, David, Ebri, and Linda (2013) as a painful process, on the other hand, Abanyam,Lumun, Sambe, Ngutor, Avanger, Yandev, (2014) refer it as a irresolvable problems for a growing number of disillusioned couples.

This concept ‘Divorce’ appears to be a threat or unrest to peaceful family living and the rate is very high especially in sub-saharan Africa (Yusof and Mashi, 2015) caused by different factors. Due to its complex nature, the concept attracts the attention of researchers both at local and international level. To Olaniyi, (2015), the increasing rate of divorce in African homes is an intricate incident happening among African couples and in the world at large of which it has been caused by a lot of factors.

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