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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue XI, November 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Causes of Herders and Farmers Conflicts on Economic Activities in Nasarawa State, Nigeria

Mohammed Musa, Ekhamheye, Sylvester, Ibrahim Gayam Meeqhaeel El-kas
Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Owerri, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This research investigated the causes of the incessant conflict between the pastoralists and the crop producers in Nasarawa state. There is no doubt that for centuries, both have lived in peace and harmony and have greatly contributed to the progress of the society. However, recent happenings between the two groups show a high degree of bitterness to the extent of carrying arms against each other, which has led to the loss of lives and properties. It is against this background that this research seeks to unravel the causes of conflict between these animal farmers and crop farmers. In achieving this, a mixed method of research technique was adopted employing both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The research adopted Eco-violence theory developed by Homer-Dixon in 1999 as its theoretical framework. The theory view conflicts as a product of environmental resources and the competition over their usage by their users in a society, it assumed that competition over scarce ecological resources engenders violent conflict. The study is guided by one research objective, one research hypothesis and one research question. The findings of the study show that there is a significant difference between the responses of herders and farmers on the causes of their conflict in Nasarawa state. In lieu of the above, the study concluded that there is considerable difference between the position of the herders and the farmers as to the causes of the conflict. Based on the findings of the study, the researchers therefore recommend that the government of Nasarawa state in conjunction with the Federal Government and other relevant authorities should put in place necessary mechanisms that will forestall the recurrence of these incessant conflicts.

Keyword: Herders, Crop Producers, Eco-Violence, Conflict, Nasarawa State.


Over the years Nigeria has been experiencing a number of violent conflicts of grave danger between animal farmers known as herders and crop producers known as farmers in different communities across the states of the federation. These conflicts have been branded differently by various scholars. In some cases, they are called herders-farmers conflicts, some refer to these conflicts’ as herdsmen attacks on local communities who are mostly farmers, while others called them reprisal attacks by herders who have either been attacked before or their cattle rustled by host communities.

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