International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue VI, June 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705
CFD Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in a Horizontal Pipe Partially Filled with Porous Media
Siva Murali Mohan Reddy.A1, Venkatesh M. Kulkarni2
1Research Scholar, Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU-RRC) , Belagavi, Karnataka, India.
2Professor, Dept. of Thermal Power Engineering VTU Centre for Postgraduate Studies, Kalaburagi Karnataka ,India.
Abstract: – Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a numerical technique which solves the governing equations of fluid flow ,heat transfer and other associated equations ,iteratively on discretized complex geometries. The quality of the solutions obtained from these simulations are largely within the acceptable range proving that CFD is an effective tool for predicting the behavior and performance of a wide variety of heat and fluid flow problems. In the present work a finite volume analysis using Ansys fluent for steady flow in a pipe partially filled with a porous media of diameter 49.6 mm placed at the core of the pipe in the first case and in the second case by inserting the porous medium of corresponding diameter, 69 mm at the annulus of the pipe for porosity value of 0.56 is carried out. The results are obtained for study state. Identical dimensions and boundary conditions .for pipe flow used in experimental work [1] are considered in geometric modeling. and in numerical analysis..The experimental results are used to verify and validate the numerical model The simulation results are within good agreement with the experimental studies ranging from 2% to 10% , numerical simulation work has been extended to the porosity values of 0.2,0.6 and 0.8 to know the the pressure drop and temperature distribution along the length of the pipe.
Key words: characteristic based split method, heat transfer, pressure drop.
The convection heat transfer occurs in different systems such as heat exchangers ,domestic refrigerators, automobiles, electronic devices, building structures , catalytical bed reactors , packed bed generators ,fixed bed nuclear propulsion systems, fuel cells , solid matrix heat exchangers and also in rocks and soils. The porous medium approach helps engineers in enhancing convection heat transfer. In all these problems, one will look to effectively reduce the flow resistance and to increase the heat transfer in porous medium and this has received much attention during last two decades Poulikakos and Kazmierczak [2] investigated fully developed forced heat convection in a channel partially filled with a porous medium. They found that the thermal performance of a conventional concentric tube heat exchanger could be improved by inserting high thermal conductivity porous substrates.