International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue VIII, August 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186
Changes in Reporting Models in Conventional Television Media in the Digital Age
Septyantoro Aji Nugroho, Prahastiwi Utari, Andre Rahmanto
Communication Management, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
Abstract- Fast and accurate information in modern times, such as today, is very necessary. Information becomes important for modern society in addition to basic needs. Currently, there is a lot of information spread, but due to different environments, the information cannot be easily absorbed. The need for complete information makes the role of the media important as a provider of information and counteracting misleading news that confuses the public. The task of the media is increasingly difficult, namely the correction of information. According to the code of journalistic ethics, the media must report under reality. The emergence of new media, namely the Internet, offers everyone the opportunity to quickly disseminate information, even if it is not as complete as the media. This makes the media too slow. Before the news can be broadcast, the media must collect accurate information and confirm that the news is accurate and accountable. Nowadays, TV news using a tube or an LCD is considered old-fashioned because it is not practical. This behavior change is causing the television media to begin to be abandoned. The media as a provider of the information is at a loss because the media performs a mediamorphosis to capture viewers by digitizing it, involving new media on the Internet. In metamorphosis, facilities and infrastructure are needed to reach digital television. Qualitative method of descriptive research. This method is to describe, describe the results studied through observations, interviews, processing of documents obtained. Until researchers know in depth the object of research beyond the statistical figures. The results of the study concluded that, by simultaneously applying the approaches of coevolution, convergence, and complexity, television can digitally transmit and meet the information needs of its viewers. In the digital age, television is becoming more accessible using sophisticated tools such as laptops, internet-based smartphones.
Keywords- News, Influence, Media, Television, Digital
Technology and the need for information today continue to grow. Not only basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter but also information needs (Albi, Anggito & Setiawan 2018). Changes in the behavior of people who emphasize individual characteristics make the media play an important role as a provider of information. Likewise, with different community environments, so that the information that appears around them cannot be absorbed. With the media, you don’t have to bother getting information. Today, the need for information can be obtained not only from the media, such as radio and television but also from the Internet. The presence of the Internet and changes in media consumption patterns in accessing television programs have led broadcast media to add broadcast models and provide