RSIS International

Chemical Composition of Methanolic Extract of Tulsi Leaves (Ocimumsantum L.)

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue I, January 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

Chemical Composition of Methanolic Extract of Tulsi Leaves (Ocimumsantum L.)

Doli J. Jain, Suchita K. Rajurkar

IJRISS Call for paper

Department of Botany, Deogiri Collage, Aurangabad (M.S), India

Abstract: Osmiumsantum L. is serve as medicine in Indian medicinal system from ancient time and today’s. This plant is potential source of bioactive molecules. In recent years, the indigenous system of medicine are getting more importance because of therapeutic value of these medicinal plants. In present study primary biochemical analysis followed by HRLCMS analysis leads to the identification of 15 Acids. In which Pteroyl-D-glutamic acid, Tuberonic acid, Baeomycesic Acid, various chemical compounds getting eluted from chemical profile of methanol extract of Tulsi leaf.


Ocimumsantum L. plant is commonly known as tulsi belongs to family Lamiaceae. Tulsi is an incredible herb revered in Indian mythology known for its medicinal properties. Tulsi is branched shrub 30-60 cm tall with hairy stem. This plant is used to prevent cough, cold, fever, asthma, hepatic disease and many skin disease. (SunitaVerma, 2016) It is also known as aromatic plant. Plant derived drugs forms an important part of the modern medicinal system. Tulsi is consider as a natural resources for biological research. Extract of tulsi is useful for management of many infections and pathogens. Present investigations were monitor Methanolic extract of tulsi.


Collection of plant material: Ocimumsantum L. were collected from Aurangabad.
Methanol extract: 40 gm powder of fresh and shad dry leaves extracted by Soxhlet extraction.
High Resolution Liquid Chromatography – Mass Spectroscopy (HRLC- MS):
Samples were analyzed on a LC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS (Agilent Technologies 6550 i-Funnel) system equipped with a G4220B pump, G4226A auto sampler and G1316C, and a diode array detector (DAD). The elution solvent consisted of a gradient system of 0.1% formic acid in water (A) and acetonitrile (B) at a flow rate of 0.3 ml/min. The gradient system started with 95% A: 5% B reaching 5% A: 95% B in 50 min., then back to initial composition 95% A: 5% B in 10 min which was held at same composition for 5 min. The MS analysis was carried out by ESI positive ionization mode

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