International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue VIII, August 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186
Chip Implants in the Human Brain: Ethical Study Based on Christ’s Word
Edward Sitepu1,Milisi Sembiring2, and Yonas PAP3*
1STT Baptis Bandung
2Department of English Language and Literature, Universitas Methodist Indonesia
3STT Kharisma Bandung
Corresponding Author*
Abstract: Chip’s vocabulary can be immediately associated with the sign of the beast in Revelation 13. And the chip itself has developed rapidly, especially to become functional because of the stagnation of nervous function, especially in regulating limb movement. That’s why in the medical world, the imposition of chips is a new hope for the contents of human life to function again. The effect of chip imposition is not null, there is an impact mainly on chip calibration and disturbance to the patient. The study of the diffusion of innovation theory requires the principle or principle of compatibility so that the product is of value to humans. The marks worn by both the name written on the human forehead and the number 666 on the human hand, the context is the transfer of worship from Christ to living idols. The crisis before the day of the Parousia indicates that the righteous should equip themselves with the freedom to choose to remain obedient to Christ or to turn to the beast and his image.
Keywords: chip, compatibility, 666, freedom, Christ
Elon Musk, a world conglomerate and the owner of Space X and Tesla Electric Cars, showed a video. It contains a video about a monkey being able to play games and implanting a chip in his brain. This is a huge leap forward in the use of technology in animal brains. And the next stage is human, whether a man needs to use a chip in his brain is still a question.
The picture of evangelical concerns, of course, revolves around the presence of computational fusion in the human body and the reality that the mark of the Beast, the name of the animal in the book of Revelation interferes with the privacy of believers. The root of this confusion raises interesting questions about the merging of the human body and identification by biohackers. The religious fear that everyone might need to be physically tagged in order to pay for goods and move freely shares a lot with the concerns expressed by mainstream privacy advocates because of the devil’s work in people’s lives.
The results of the research carried out show a view of increasing human capacity to be faster and more powerful.When a chip is implanted into the human brain, according to Todd Daly, a professor of theology and ethics at Urbana Theological Seminary, a lot of evangelical leaders and pastors will see [technological advancement] as unwise and will ask people to avoid it.The statement implies that