International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue I, January 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186
Classroom Management Skills of Science Teachers
APOCHI, M. A. and AWOYEYE, Agnes Onyi
Department of Science and Environmental Education Faculty of Education,
University of Abuja, Abuja-Nigeria
Classroom is the centre focus of every educational setting due to the fact that it is the inevitable component of schools where students and teachers interacts for the purpose of imparting knowledge on students in line with the goal and objectives of policy of education of the society. Also, management of classroom is centered to effective teaching and learning. Hence, it is essential for teachers to be familiar with classroom management skills. This study investigated classroom management skills of science teachers in the Nigerian Capital, Abuja. The survey research design was adopted. 382 science teachers in both junior and senior secondary schools in the FCT, Abuja were randomly sampled. Data of the study were collected through as a questionnaire constructed in a 4-point modified Likert scale format. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive and, analysis of variance statistics. It was revealed that classroom management skills of science teachers are moderately satisfactory. However, academic attainment and work experiences of the teachers influence their classroom management skills. It was recommended that regular in-service training in classroom management should be organized for science teachers irrespective of educational attainment and working experiences.
Key words: Classroom, Management, Skill, Science, Teachers.
Education is a central pillar of every society upon which components of the society depend. It is a lucrative investment for both individual and society because position of every individual in the society as well as every nation across the globe is determined by education (Fazilah, Zaharah, Azizah, Saran & Noor, 2011). Hence, social and economic developments of every nation count on pace of her education. To educate citizenry, therefore, schools are established.
The school is sine quo none in every society due to the fact that it is the society’s miniature. It is a social centre established towards building the personality and character of the citizenry which assist them develop their natural abilities toward sustainable growth and development of the immediate society, and the world at large. Also, it is the centre for coordination and utilization of educational resources to bring about desirable changes in the learners, and it incorporates such experiences which are intimately connected with actual living and enable the individual to lead a successful life is society (Gu & Johansson, 2013). Obviously, the status of every society is determined by the stats of its education which counts of schools. However, the school cannot achieve the stated objectives without the classroom.
Classroom is an inevitable component of the school as a result of its roles towards realization of the objectives of school in the society as well as education to the society. Classrooms are educational showroom mostly found in educational institutions. Adeyemo (2012) describes classroom as the formal learning environment designed for formal knowledge acquisition, and made up of the teacher, the learners, and learning equipment which interact towards predetermined objectives. Moreover, classroom is described as an engaging and dynamic learning environment which supports pedagogical activities, active learning, and students’ development of essential skills as well as emphasized creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration between teachers, learners and school’s supporting staff (Mien, 2021).