Clinical Decision Support System for Heart Diseases Using Extended Sub Tree

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue XI, November 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Clinical Decision Support System for Heart Diseases Using Extended Sub Tree

Kulkarni Ravindranath Bhaskar1, Kulkarni Radhika Ravindranath2, Kulkarni Rashmi Ravindranath3

IJRISS Call for paper

 1BE Mechanical, Vaidya College, Pune, Maharashtra, India
2BE ENTC, MKSSS’s CCOE, Pune, Maharashtra, India
3ME Computer, MCOE, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Abstract- Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) is a tool which helps doctors to make better and uniform decisions. There are many existing systems present which are used for diagnosing the diseases. For different types of diseases the existing CDSS systems changes with different algorithmic approaches. Every approach has its pros and cons. Selecting the positive aspect and overcoming the problems is the main motive.
This paper focuses on comparative study of existing CDSS systems namely Mycin, DeDombal, Quick Medical Record (QMR), Internist 1. Also the paper focuses on different algorithmic approaches for CDSS. It also give comparative study for algorithmic approaches of heart diseases. The proposed system deals with the similarity matching function. In decision tree construction, the nodes are constructed on splitting attribute or the flag value. Hence if continuous value is to be handled then it can prove fatal. This kind of flaw is observed in ID3 algorithm. Hence to overcome this drawback Extended sub tree approach is implemented. The results show the comparative analysis between these two approaches.

Index Terms- CDSS, Patient health Information, Electronic Medical Record, Extended Sub tree (EST).


Clinical Decision Support (CDS) systems provides clinicians, staff, patients and other individuals with knowledge and person specific information , intelligently filtered and presented at appropriate times, to enhance health and healthcare[2]. CDSS is a tool to assist user in taking clinical decisions of diagnosis. A typical user of CDSS is a physician, nurse or any other paramedical service provider. It gathers the patient health information (PHI) entered by the user in the system. Using pre-determined algorithms or rules, CDSS provides clinically relevant information and conclusions to the user. The rules used in the system can be configured by the administrator. Security of each patient’s personal record must be provided[1].