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Cloud Data Security Using Modified Version of AES with Character Replacement –A Framework

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Cloud Data Security Using Modified Version of AES with Character Replacement –A Framework

Zaibunnisa Malik1, Sabir Sayed2, Ayesha Niyaz Malik3

IJRISS Call for paper

1Principal and HOD, Comp. Dept, M.H.Saboo Siddik Polytechnic, Mumbai, India
2Director, AI’s Computer Center, Research Scholar Mumbai University, Mumbai, India
3Diploma in Computer Engineering, M.H.Saboo Siddik Polytechnic, Mumbai, India

Abstract—In cloud computing, the data is stored in storage areas provided by the service providers. The clients might have certain confidential information for which no one other than the party for which the data is intended can be trusted. As the cloud has no explicit boundaries and the client’s data can be dispersed across multiple servers on the globe, data security in cloud has become a major issue of concern. Hence, to overcome these serious issues regarding user authentication and data confidentiality, there is a need to implement a data protection framework which can perform authentication, verification and encrypted data transfer, thus maintaining data confidentiality. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) has not been cracked by the attackers yet but research says that the algorithm is vulnerable to the brute force attack and hence there is a need to enhance the algorithm to make it more secure and robust. The proposed model, an enhancement to the AES-256 bit algorithm, is a tailor-made security framework with character replacement technique. The modified algorithm can be used to encrypt the client’s data before it can be stored onto the cloud. This would ensure security of data as well as augment client-provider trust and relationships.

Keywords: Data Security, Modified AES, Encryption, Decryption, Cloud Computing.


Cloud computing has become a hot topic in the global technology industry. Cloud computing also faces the data security, privacy and confidentiality challenges. As the data owners store their data on external servers, there have been reportedly increasing demands and concerns for data confidentiality, authentication and access control. In addition to confidentiality and privacy breaks, the external servers could also use part or whole of the data for their financial gain. Therefore, ruining the data owners market or even bringing economic loss to the data owners. These concerns start off from the fact that cloud servers are usually operated by commercial providers which are probably from outside of the trusted domain of users [1].