RSIS International

Community Diversion Behavior in Pringsewu District

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue IX, September 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Community Diversion Behavior in Pringsewu District

Allen Nurs Atanacio, Trisnaningsih, Erlina Rufaida
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Lampung Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper


Daily life and interactions, humans are inseparable from the norms and rules that apply in society, if the norms and rules are obeyed by society, people’s life will be orderly, safe and peaceful. There are also people who do not even comply with existing norms, they commit violations of norms and rules, which are often referred to as deviant behavior.

Pebehavior menyimpang wrong only one is distraction identity gender. Distraction identity gender yang now this bmany tetake a look at tenhalfway mcommunity is transgender ya that waria. Menso seorang waria meforget it a pchoice hlive someone yang experienced waria membuat meconvention always mengalami hambstrength dnatural medo pesocial or memchoose pekerjaan. Kenyoran yang di hadapi oleh kroar waria, is meconvention hcurrent mampu menso waria, thumpan Male or pefemale.

Waria dI assume as penydream beven toother karena sea person betype tolamin Male ber appearance a pefemale denbro memakai pakaian dan begrooming as appropriate womenan. Penydream pebehavior yang dit shows pfig waria caused dbe prepared pthere is conflik social dnatural bevarious shapek peabuse. Pseudoa anmembers mcommunity termasuk tofamily branda myself, I haven’t got it yet menerhymes hiadiran a waria denbro wteach as is type tolamin other. Kehadiran seorang waria di sebuAh tofamily sering kali dI assume as a disgrace, so that waria always mengalami techpressure social, di dnatural pesocial branda too menfaced conconflict dalam bevarious shape, dfrom scorn, peabuse hingga penexclusion.

Researchers found an association whose members consist of transgender people from various sub-districts in Pringsewu district which they named Seroja. Seroja is a community consisting of transgender people in the Pringsewu district which was formed in 2010. The birth of the Seroja community started with a “genk” named Ratu Sewu, which at that time only consisted of 3 waria, while at that time the number of waria in Pringsewu district is very much, so an idea emerged from one of the waria to form an association of transgender people which they named Seroja, at that time Seroja was not the only name proposed to be the name of their association, the name Seroja was chosen from several alternatives names through a majority vote by members of transgender people,