RSIS International

Community Participation in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Lamu West and Lamu East Sub-Counties, Lamu County

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue I, January 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Community Participation in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Lamu West and Lamu East Sub-Counties, Lamu County

Bunu, S. M1; Ong’ayo A. H1; Shauri, H. S.2
1Department of Environmental Studies-Community Development, Pwani University, Kenya
2Department of Social Sciences, Pwani University, Kenya

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract:-The potential contribution of cultural heritage to community development throughout the world is evidently huge. The active participation of communities in cultural heritage identification and management is anchored in the 1972 World Heritage Convention. The convention called for general policy aimed at giving the cultural heritage a function in the life of the community. The purpose of this study therefore was to assess the extent to which the Lamu County community is involved in the conservation of cultural heritage as a resource for community development. Descriptive survey design was used to conduct the study. Proportionate random sampling was handy in the selection of households in Lamu West and Lamu East sub-counties. Systematic random sampling was then used to select the respondents fulfilling the proportionate condition of the study’s sampling strategy from the sampling frame obtained at each sub-county. Data was collected using an interview schedule and a semi-structured questionnaire from Key informants and households respectively. Document analysis and observation schedule were used to complement primary data collection instruments. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse quantitative data using the Minitab software. Qualitative data was analysed thematically guided by the study objectives. The research was able to establish that, members of the community are key in the conservation of Lamu’s heritage due to the input they make to such efforts. However, the study reveals that Lamu community is not actively involved in the conservation of their cultural heritage. More precisely, the government and other agencies involved in the conservation of Lamu heritage sites did not involve the local communities in the conservation of their own cultural heritage. The study recommends that the roles of the different groups in the community need to be acknowledged and harnessed in order for an attitudinal change to occur in favour of quality participation in the conservation activities, especially of the local communities. It is further, recommended that the community will effectively participate in the conservation activities within the area if they are educated and empowered. Significantly, the study recommends that the community should be actively involved in cultural heritage conservation.

Key Words: Active Participation, Community, Cultural Heritage Conservation.

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