RSIS International

Community Participation, Policy Framework and the Performance of Solar Energy in Kenya: A Case Study of Kalobeyei Ward in Turkana West Sub-County

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue X, October 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Community Participation, Policy Framework and the Performance of Solar Energy in Kenya: A Case Study of Kalobeyei Ward in Turkana West Sub-County

David Kaloki Kitenge1, Prof. Elijah Siringi2

IJRISS Call for paper

1Masters of Arts in Development Studies, Management University of Africa, Kenya
2Management University of Africa, Kenya

Abstract:- Understanding the dynamics solar energy transitions and the collaborative advantage of involving the communities in planning for sustainable energy in the local level can facilitate the steering of current and future global developments for clean energy solutions. This study investigated the relationship between community participation and policy framework on the performance of solar energy projects in Kenya. The key objective of this study were to investigate the relationship between community empowerment and policy framework on performance of solar energy in Kenya with focus on Kalobeyei Ward in Turkana West Sub-County. The research study used descriptive research and regression for the investigation. The target population of the study was 3200 households. Stratified Radom sampling was employed during the study with a sample of 320 household heads. A pilot study was conducted to test the accuracy of the research instruments to ensure reliability and validity of research data. Data was processed and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Independent and dependent variables relationship was determined by use of multiple regression models using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Research findings were presented using graphs, pie charts and frequency tables. The inferential statistics used regression and correlation analysis. The findings indicated that there was a positive and significant relationship between community participation and policy framework on the performance of solar energy in Kalobeyei Ward. The study concluded that most of the respondents strongly agreed that in their area civic education was done to transfer and disseminate knowledge, skills, and values to general public and to promote solar energy project efficacy. The study also found out that there are Turkana County government has a directorate mandated to support public participation. The study established that community satisfaction surveys are important platforms to enhance the project performance and access achievement of the intended program to the beneficiary.The two variables studied only explain 57.8 percentage of the performance of solar energy as indicated by R2. His means that 42.2% of solar energy is contributed by other factors not studied in this study. The study found out that public participation and policy framework contribute significantly to the performance of solar energy. The study concluded that the county governance structures should ensure that decisions made during public participation and are included in their plans and the county fiscal strategy paper.The study also concludes that the local government should also share the solar energy project indicators and project progress reports for the public to validate the success of failure of the projects. The study recommends that the there is need to ensure inclusivity and community empowerment during community participation to ensure sustainability of the of solar energy projects. The government should also foster the use of Information and Communication technology (ICT) to expand democratic space for community participation in project design, implementation as well monitoring and evaluation of solar energy projects. Finally the study recommends that the community should be trained on aspects of community action planning and mapping to identify their needs and develop plans in a participatory process to address local challenges and contribute to renewable energy initiatives.

Key Words: Community, Empowerment, Feedback, Policy Framework.