International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue IX, September 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186
Asadu, Ikechukwu, Ph. D1, Chukwujekwu Charles Onwuka2, Onah, Celestine Chijioke3
1Department of Public Administration and Local Government ,University of Nigeria, Nsukka
2Department of Sociology, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Igbariam Campus, Anambra State Nigeria
3Social Science Unit, School of General Studies , University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Corresponding author*
Abstract: Employees’ performance appraisal is a vital and integral aspect of human resource management. Human resource managers do not only recruit, select, orient and place workers but are expected to continually evaluate the performance of the workers. Scholars and practitioners in human resource management have expressed divergent views on the significance of performance assessment to employees, organizations and society. The study, therefore, methodically examined the processes, methods and necessity for objective assessment of employees’ performance in organizations, with a view to encouraging human resource managers to periodically appraise their employees using some suitable appraisal methods. Primary and secondary sources of data generation were employed. The data generated were subjected to descriptive analysis. The findings, among other things, revealed that employees’ appraisal is significant for several purposes such as improving the attainment of the overall organizational goal; recruitment and selection of competent workers; promotion and training of workers; setting and measurement of goals; employee development and performance management; succession planning; downsizing; decisions taking and providing feed back to employees about their performance. Accordingly, the study suggests that organizations should periodically appraise their workers using objective and appropriate methods capable of enhancing the organizational and employees’ goals.
Keywords: Employee, Performance appraisal, organization, human resources manager
Human resource management functions are indeed vast. Every critical activity in the working life of an employee, from the time of the employee’s entry into the enterprise until the exit period is within the jurisdiction of human resource management.