Concept Generation of Soybean Threshing Machine
- February 11, 2019
- Posted by: RSIS
- Categories: Industrial & Systems Engineering, Industrial Engineering
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue II, February 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705
Concept Generation of Soybean Threshing Machine
Harsha A#, Mayur Appaiah*
*Asst. Professor
#, * Department of Industrial Engineering & Management,
B.M.S. College of Engineering, VTU PG Extension Centre, Bangalore-560019, Karnataka, India
Abstract- This paper is regarding the selection of effective mechanism for the Soybean threshing machine out of several other alternatives based on the Pugh Matrix and Concept scoring matrix method.
Keywords – Soybean, Threshing machine, Selection of effective mechanism, Pugh Matrix, Concept scoring matrix.
Soybean is considered as one very important grain grown commercially in more than 35 countries of the world. It contains 40% protein, 35% total carbohydrate and 20% cholesterol-free oil. Soybean requires careful processing to bring out its best qualities.
But due to non-availability of suitable machinery for the harvest and post-harvest operations, the output of traditional manual threshing is time consuming, inefficient and labor dependent. Considering the above facts and socio economic conditions of farmers of the state there is a need to develop a device that fulfills the expectations of the farmers.
Threshing can be done either mechanically or manually. Manual system of threshing is characterized with time wastage, threshing losses, and high drudgery. The mechanical threshing involves high technology which is very expensive, though it helps to maintain the quality of the final products; it eliminates drudgery associated with local threshing system and reduces threshing losses.
Threshing is a major post-harvest operation which is carried out after all crops have been gathered from the field. Threshing consists of separating the beans from the pods (portion of the plant fruit that encases the soybean seeds).Threshing as a post-harvest operation is as old as man. It can be done by hand using simple tools or motor-driven machines. Most soybeans are harvested and threshed simultaneously by modern combines. Whatever system used, it is very important that threshing be done with care to prevent breakage of the beans or hulls