International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue IX, September 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186
Conceptual Framework for Dancing Teacher’s Ethics
Dr (Mr) W.B.A.Vitharana,
Senior Lecturer, Department of Languages, Cultural Studies & Performing Arts, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
Abstract: Several dance teachers’ ethical issues in general education system in Sri Lanka. Favoritism, Nepotism, and Bribes for school entrance, exams, assessment, private tutoring, etc, academic fraud activities. Therefore this paper specific the need of research on code of ethics teachers’ profession.
Dance teachers should also be bound by a strong code of ethics in a clear up to instill professionalism inside them. Teaching constructs all other occupations. A Teacher is said to be a lamp that lights itself to light up the life of others; they should nourish appropriate ethics among themselves so that the same values can be nourished among students. While a great majority of teachers influence with their heads great this royal convention and even innovate and teach further away the classroom setting, other teachers have lost the passion to impart knowledge and are simply going through the motions of teaching, for the diminished of performing an bonding. Now, teaching profession can also be puzzled with pollution. The research paper covers the light on the needs, practices, and demands and impels in the execution of Professional Ethics in teachers.
In order to achieve the goal of the study, the literature survey research designed within the framework of qualitative approach was used in a sample of, Secondary sources, on the other hand, included journal articles, books, policy documents, thesis, booklets, and literature from educational researches. Equally relevant were electronic documents retrieved from the Internet. These varied sources provided the researcher with relevant data with diverse viewpoints. In the light of the above, the researcher utilized interviews, discussions and conversations as the major and reliable means for the data generation.
The study revealed that there was a generally positive attitude towards the code of ethics teaching profession. Ethics, also known as moral philosophy. The term comes from the Greek word ethos, which means “character”.
Key words: Dance teacher’s Ethics, professionalism, attitude