International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue VII, July 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
Conceptualization of Perceived Experience in a Hiker’s Trail Consumption Context
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Sport Science and Physical Education, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Srilanka
Abstract: – This research focuses on the Conceptualization of Perceived Experience in a Hiker’s Trail Consumption Context. visitor experiences are essential if recreationatravel managers are to facilitate beneficial results for both individuals and society. Most of the research done in Sri Lanka is based on customer value and their respective influenceaon satisfaction in the particularly under-researchedaarea of adventure tourism with reference to the Sri Lankan domestic context. However, the psychological effects of hikers on hiking have not been studied. Therefore, there is a lack in the knowledge domain in terms of conceptualization and construct development for further imperial studies in the field. The field of recreation travel management has not developed empirical tools to measure the “perceived experience” with a particular concern in the Sri Lankan context. Therefore, this research fills the gap in terms of measurement Perceived Experience in a Hiker’s Trail Consumption Context. The qualitative approach has been taken with thematic analysis method to answer the research question which along with the main objective. The content of each carefully selected 20 journal articles were coded based on the themes to identify the latent idea of the phenomenon. It has been used content and constructs validity method to confirm the item related to the factors. It was 13 items which were above the value of content validity of individual items (I-CVI) than 0.8 out of 10 items originally developed. Only 10 items were agreed by raters which were at a level of 1 in terms of I-CVI. Any researchers who have an interest in the field of outdoor recreation, they can use the conceptualized model which has 12 factors to measure the “Perceived Experience” in a Hiker’s Trail Consumption Context with empirical validation.
Key Worlds: Perceived Experience, Perceived Experience measurement model, Perceived Experience theory, content analysis.
Hiking has long been described as one of the largest segments within nature-based tourism (Chhetri, Arrowsmith, & Jackson, 2004), and more and more people are taking part in hiking activities in different geographical locations (D’Antonio, Monz, Newman, Lawson, & Taff, 2012; Dyck, Schneider, Thompson, & Virden, 2003; Mason, Suner, & Williams, 2013). In mountain regions and protected areas hiking is normally the most important recreational activity (Chhetri et al., 2004; Fredman & Tyrva¨ inen, 2010; Pomfret, 2006), and can provide important tourism revenues for the local population (Wo¨ ran & Arnberger, 2012).