International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue III, March 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186
Consequences of Pre-Marital Sex among Female Undergraduate Students
Alade, T. T. Ph D, Owoeye, S. T, Bamidele, T. O
Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology, Ikere-Ekiti (BOUESTI)
Abstract: The study investigated the consequences of pre-marital sex among female undergraduate students. In many societies, unmarried, single youths are sexually more active than what is commonly realized. There are several factors which encourage the pre-marital sexuality in cities; such as higher mobility and migration of younger people to towns and cities in search of jobs, massive urbanization resulting proliferation of slums, growing population, unemployment, influence of modern mass-media and information technology, better life-style, changing modes and erosion of traditional customs and social norms. The researchers used survey design of the descriptive type of research for the study. The research instrument used for this study was a self – structure closed ended questionnaire designed by the researchers. The sample size of four hundred (400) respondents was used for the study. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques was used for the study. The face, content and construct validity of the instrument was ensured by given draft copies to experts for vetting. The reliability of the instrument was ensured by using the split half method of reliability, a coefficient of 0.78 was obtained. Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The finding of the study revealed that there was a significant relationship between vesico-vigina fistula (VVF) and pre-marital sex among undergraduate. It was also concluded that there was significant relationship between ectopic pregnancy and pre-marital sex among undergraduate students. The researchers recommended that management of institutions of learning should organise a seminar or orientation proramme to their female most importantly the newly admitted ones, as this will help to reduce the prevalence of pre-marital sex among them. Female undergraduate students should try to avoid multiple sexual partners in order to avoid ectopic pregnancy.
Keywords: Ectopic pregnancy, Pre-marital Sex, Vesico-vagina Fistula.
Premarital sex is the involvement in sexual intercourse by persons who have not engaged in marital vow or culturally recognized as having been enrolled in marriage institution. Premarital sex is sexual activity practiced by people who are unmarried. Historically, premarital sex was considered a moral issue which was taboo in many cultures and considered a sin by a number of religions, but since about the 1960s, it has become more widely accepted, especially in Western countries. The terms premarital sex have been suggested, including non-marital sex (which overlaps with adultery), youthful sex, adolescent sex and young-adult sex. In some cultures