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Consumer Awareness towards Green Products and Its Impact

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue X, October 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Consumer Awareness towards Green Products and Its Impact

N. Divyapriyadharshini, S.Devayani, V.Agalya, J.Gokulapriya

IJRISS Call for paper

Management Studies, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, India

Abstract: Consumers are becoming more ecologically conscious and desirous of purchasing green products. Green products are environment friendly in itself or produced in an eco friendly way. The core idea of this paper is to know the consumers awareness about green products and how consumers would be helping the environment if they switch over to green products. Consumers’ green products awareness is significant in indicating the way of the green products buying decision. The data is collected from 30respondents by survey method through a structured questionnaire. Convenience sampling method is used. Data are analysed using frequency analysis. The study has found that promotional activities on eco-friendly products influences consumers green products awareness. Majority of the respondents are aware of green products. This study also reveals that green products awareness as the critical factor, which affects consumers green purchasing decision.

Keywords: Green products, awareness, environment, purchasing decision


Nowadays, the environment has become a mainstream issue in the current competitive world. Green marketing is a major trend to know the reason for environmental issues like global warming, ozone depletion, pollution, loss of bio-diversity and deforestation. The purpose of the study is to find out the awareness level of consumers’ towards green products in Chennai District. Environment friendly, eco-friendly, nature-friendly, and green are marketing terms referring to goods and services, laws, guidelines and policies that inflict reduced, minimal, or no harm upon ecosystems or the environment. Companies use these ambiguous terms to promote goods and services, sometimes with additional, more specific certifications, such as Eco labels. The International Organization for Standardization has developed ISO 14020 and ISO 14024 to establish principles and procedures for environmental labels and declarations that certifiers and eco-labelers should follow. The past decades have witnessed large scale industrialization that resulted in rapid economic growth and increasing consumption all over the world. This in turn has resulted in deterioration of the environment due to exploitation of natural resources.

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