Consumer Behavior Within The Covid-19 Pandemic A Systematic Review

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Consumer Behavior Within The Covid-19 Pandemic A Systematic Review

Perera K.J.T.*, Fernando P.I.N., Ratnayake R.M.C.S., Udawaththa U.D.I.C.
Department of Management Sciences, Faculty of Management,
Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka
*Corresponding Author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: COVID-19 spreads globally with a unique makeup and high intensity. During this global pandemic, addressing “consumer behavior” could send signals to the industrial sector, and it is worthwhile to identify the hidden antecedents of consumer behavior during the pandemic. The study’s main purpose is to organize and standardize current knowledge on pandemic hoarding behavior. The methodology section is followed by the analysis and discussion portion, which comprises a) citation analysis, which was done to analyze developing research publications on consumer behavior during a pandemic, and b) comprehensive analytical models within the literature. Research papers were selected from well-known research databases such as Web of Science, J Store, and Google Scholar, and the analysis included 43 research papers. The research consist with two sections: (a) citation analysis and (b) identifying comprehensive analytical models. The citation analysis revealed three major themes: (1) panic buying behavior during pandemics, (2) new trends in pandemic buying, and (3) online buying behavior during pandemics. Furthermore, review propose Ling & Ho (2020) model be aligned to fill a need in consumer behavior research. Moreover, findings reveal a unique perspective on government policymaking that will aid in improving the effectiveness of governments’ existing lockdown policy measures by governing and controlling individuals’ behaviors and attitudes, allowing for a more holistic and integrated response to the pandemic.

Keywords: Consumer Behavior, COVID-19 Pandemic, Marketing, Online Buying, Panic Buying


From the dawn of civilization to the present day, humans have adapted to a plethora of “conditions or changes,” some of which are caused by natural disasters and others that are induced purposely. Throughout this long voyage, humans will encounter tragic circumstances that have not been addressed previously via various stages of development, which are referred to as pandemics (Fernández et al., 2020). The impulsive disaster spreads the first half of the year 2020 around the world by creating gigantic destruction to the life of human beings. It was initially identified as Corona Virus, and later, it was titled Corona Virus Disease-19 or COVID-19 (Qiu et al., 2020). Accordingly, the virus was formed first in Wuhan city, Hubei province of China P.R., later spread its wings around the world by creating massive devastation to the existence and the economic well-being of the human. Since the medications were incompetent to establish the treatment for the disease, several public health procedures have been implemented as a preventive action, particularly social distance among people while the virus scattered hastily (Fong et al., 2020).