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COVID-19, Climate Change and Challenges: Bangladesh Perspective to Fight against the Pandemic Condition

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue X, October 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

COVID-19, Climate Change and Challenges: Bangladesh Perspective to Fight against the Pandemic Condition

 Abu Taher Muhammad Abdullah1, Israt Jahan2
1Additonal Superintendent of Police, District Police, Thakurgaon, Bangladesh, Studied MA Criminology, School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Nottingham, UK
2MA Digital Media, School of Computing and Digital Media, London Metropolitan University, UK

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This study investigated the impacts of COVID-19 and climate change, and the challenges of these events from Bangladesh’s perspective with the qualitative method of research. Thematic analysis followed for synthesizing data collected from secondary sources. The total number of deaths found in Bangladesh 4,881 (1.4%), whereas 943,433 (4%) deaths found globally from COVID-19 disease. The highest number of deaths in a day was 64 in Bangladesh on 30th June 2020. The maximum rate of confirmed cases from COVID-19 infection was 26.7% in people between 31-40 years of age group. Whether male represented more confirmed cases (M=72%, F=28%) and deaths (M=78%, F=22%) than female. Death tolled highest at Dhaka City in Bangladesh, estimating 1547 persons. There are 7,155 beds and 370 ICU beds for COVID-19 patients. Due to climate change effect the air of Dhaka city become unbreathable, hence, COVID-19 patients require fresh air with healthy lungs to survive. Cyclone Amphan took the lives of 31 people, affecting approximately Tk 1,100 crore damages amid the COVID-19 outbreak. Floods affected a total of 2,246,472 people in 18 districts and heavy rainfall rampaged Rohingya camps in Cox’s Bazar. Predominantly, challenges encountered from COVID-19 and climate change are more population; lack of ‘testing, tracing and isolating’, ‘Health Care Services’, coordination and awareness; difficulty in policing and management of Rohingyas, natural calamities, and transport bans. However, this research is not beyond the limitation of empirical observation which will be a future endeavor in the field.

Keywords: COVID-19, climate change, challenges, Bangladesh, social distancing


COVID-19 pandemic outbreak is a pressing concern for every government in the world which turns it into a global crisis. This coronavirus disease caused huge confirmed cases and deaths, resulting in 213 countries affected (WHO, 2020a). It has triggered unprecedented behavioral changes as global norms which confined people and induced them to maintain social distancing (Manzanedo and Manning, 2020). While this crisis has affected all spheres of life and work and impacted the global economy tremendously. Also, this crisis offers insights on the global climate crisis, as there are many parallels between the COVID-19 crisis and the imminent global climate emergency.COVID-19 and global climate change are interlinked, and proper understanding of these linkages would be crucial for