COVID-19, Cyclone Amphan and Flood 2020: How the Government of Bangladesh Managed Multiple Disasters
- January 2, 2021
- Posted by: RSIS
- Categories: COVID-19, IJRISS
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue XII, December 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186
COVID-19, Cyclone Amphan and Flood 2020: How the Government of Bangladesh Managed Multiple Disasters
Musabber Ali Chisty*, Nawshin Aforse, Mourupa Mohima
Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Abstract: Considering the population density of Bangladesh, existing poverty, vulnerable healthcare system and social structure, the recent COVID-19 outbreak control became a huge challenge for the government of the country. Apart from this rapidly transmitted virus, the addition of cyclone Amphan and monsoon flood almost all over the country accelerated the challenge to another level. Immediate after the declaration of the rapid surge of coronavirus pandemic, the Government of Bangladesh has initiated some strict measures to fight against the situation. The aim of this study is to critically analyze the necessary measures taken by the government to deal with this global pandemic, compounded by the super cyclone Amphan and early monsoon flood. The study is based on the secondary data sources which referred in depth views. Along with the 4,634 confirmed loss of lives till now, COVID-19 pandemic has created major impact in the economy that arises many problems. Also, the government had to undertake evacuate operation during the cyclone which eventually resulted 2.6 million affected people. From addressing the widespread of the pandemic to taking necessary steps such as creating awareness, suspension of international flights, imposing restrictions in movement, declaring lockdowns, announcing funds worth $8.56 billion, assigning designated hospitals by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the government has been trying to minimize the risk. Almost 70,000 CPP volunteers worked, nearly 2 million people were evacuated at risk during the cyclone. More than 1546 flood shelters, 387 medical teams and allocation of nearly BDT 9,200,000 cash including relief items were confirmed by the government to deal with the early wave of monsoon flood. In this short commentary, there is review of initiatives taken by the Bangladesh Government towards the current challenges. The study concluded with some recommendations to suggest the possible strategies to resist the growing trend of economy crushing pandemic of COVID-19, and contain with difficulties occurred due to cyclone Amphan and monsoon flood.
Key Words: COVID-19, Amphan, Flood, Multiple Disasters, Government, Management