RSIS International

Cross-Border Disarmament and Intercommunal Security: A Case of Turkwel River Belt

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue XI, November 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Cross-Border Disarmament and Intercommunal Security: A Case of Turkwel River Belt

Jackson Bethuel Kaino, Dr. Ichani Francis Xavier, Siocha Justin Nyaberi
Department of International Relations, Conflict and Strategic Studies of Kenyatta University, Kenya

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Disarmament of illegal firearms has been identified as a key to global security especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, where the trade on Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) is a booming business. The influx of SALW is also considered as a major contributor of intercommunal conflict along the Turkwel River Belt, among the Turkana and; Pokot of Kenya and Uganda common border. This study sought to assess why after many governments attempts at eradicating insecurity in the region through various levels of disarmament programs, there remains persistent insecurity and armed violence. The study used the cooperative security theory and the conflict theory to weave the facts presented in the study. Moreover, the study adopted an exploratory and historical research designs. The selection of the Turkwel River Belt was purposive due to the high occurrences of conflict and high presence of SALWs in the region. the insecurity and as a special characteristic directly touches four countries; Kenya and Uganda. Simple random sampling was used during the pretesting to test the validity and reliability of the instruments. Respondents were clustered into three groups of men, women and youth. The study relied on both qualitative and quantitative data. Questionnaires and interviews schedules were used to collect data which was analyzed using simple descriptive statistics and qualitatively. The study indicated that there were significant intervention measures through diplomacy and address of the challenges at hand by government and non-government organization. However, much needs to be considered for the effective achievement of sustainable peace among the communities. The study recommended the strategies marshalled by both state and non-state actors in addressing alternative sources of livelihoods and in conducting advanced disarmament programs. This study is necessary since the United Nations is envisaged on a peaceful coexistence among countries. The information in this will therefore provide and recommend strategic measures that should be undertaken to achieve sustainable peace among the Pokot of Uganda and the Turkana of Kenya.

Key Words: Cross border Disarmament, Intercommunal Security, Cross-border Conflict, Influx of SALW, Cross-border Insecurity, Interventions


Disarmament of illegal firearms has been identified as a key to global security in regions witnessing influx of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW). Cross border intercommunal conflict in Sub-Sahara Africa and especially the Turkwel Belt remains a threat to peace against aspirations the United Nations charter, chapter 1, article 1 states that the UN’s first purpose and principle are to sustain universal peace and security, and to that end; to take active collective actions