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Cumulating Test Paper Score based on Digital Image Processing using Python

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Cumulating Test Paper Score based on Digital Image Processing using Python

Ch.Nagamani1, Ch.Bhavya2, G.Hema Sai Akhilaja3, M.Dhruthi4

IJRISS Call for paper

  1, 2, 3, 4B.Tech (CSE), Dhanekula Institute of Engineering and Technology, A.P., India.

Abstract—In order to solve the problem of handwritten score cumulating in test papers, we Enhance the implementation of test paper score cumulating system based on digital image processing on python programming platform. The whole experiment process includes image preprocessing, scoring place positioning and segmentation, character recognition. Summation of the marks & displaying of total marks will be also implemented. Compared with the manual summary of the scores, the test paper scores accumulation system achieves higher accuracy and reliability with high speed. The implementation is done using Python and the image processing would be done in Open CV.

Keywords— test paper score cumulating system, digital image processing, Optical character recognition, openCv, python


In the national education industry, increasingly more software applications and practical systems are applied to daily work in order to alleviate the burden of teaching and administrative staff, and improve their working efficiency. In the current marking model, despite the existence of card reading machines, subjective questions cannot be completely abandoned, the task of teachers is still arduous. They have to make judgements whether answers are correct or reasonable, and add up the scores of each question. There is no doubt that it will take up a lot of time in score accumulation. As a result of reducing the teachers’ working efficiency virtually, the system proposed in this paper can effectively solve the problem of handwritten score summarization. Compared with the manual summary of the scores, the test paper scores accumulation system achieves higher accuracy and reliability with high speed.


[1]An early notable attempt in the area of character recognition research is by Grimsdale in 1959. The origin of a great deal of research work in the early sixties was based on an approach known as analysis-by-synthesis method suggested by Eden in 1968. The great importance of Eden’s work was that he formally proved that all handwritten characters are formed by a finite number of schematic features, a point that was implicitly included in previous works. This notion was later used in all methods in syntactic (structural) approaches of character recognition.