International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186
De-Stigmatizing Teenage Motherhood: The Re Entry Policy Implementation in Kenya
Dr. Catherine Barmao Kiptanui Tarus
Uasin Gishu County Assembly, P.O Box 72-30100, Eldoret, Kenya
Abstract: – Studies reveal that educating girls have a multiplier effects that would benefit the family, society and nation at large and that it is the driving force behind any strong economy and a prerequisite for social and economic growth. However, in an effort to reduce the socio- economic impact of this phenomenon in young women who find themselves in teenage motherhood, the Kenyan government introduced the re-entry policy that made it possible for girls to re-enter school and start their education from where they stopped prior to pregnancy. It is in the light of this that, the study sought to establish ways of de stigmatizing teenage motherhood by implementing the re entry policy in public secondary schools in Eldoret West Sub County. The study was guided by the social integration theory on student retention in schools. The study adopted pragmatic world view, a mixed method research design utilizing both qualitative and quantitative approach and employed stratified sampling, simple random and purposive sampling as its sampling techniques. The research instruments for the study were questionnaire, interview schedule and document analysis. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and was summarized using frequencies, percentages and tables. The findings revealed that, teenage pregnancy and motherhood is one of the major impediment to the educational success of girls in sub Saharan Africa however, the implementation re-entry policy of teenage mothers in Eldoret West Sub County was partially successful since there were presence of teenage mothers in school though in small numbers compared to those who dropped out due pregnancy.The study recommended that all stakeholders to be educated about the policy and the Ministry of Education (MOE) to establish monitoring and evaluation tools in order identify areas in the policy that need to be reviewed and improved for effective implementation. The study would provide important empirical basis for stimulating deliberate effort by the schools, education policy makers, curriculum developers and parents towards greater concern with regard to the implementation of re-entry policy on teenage mothers in schools.
Keywords:- De-Stigmatizing, Teenage Motherhood, Re Entry Policy, Implementation
Education plays a pivotal role in the social and economic development of any country in enhancing the quality of lives of its citizens (UNESCO, 2010). Gender equity in educational opportunities and outcomes has therefore emerged as one of the main areas of interventions and debates within global justice arena (Kane, 2004).