Submission Deadline-12th July 2024
June 2024 Issue : Publication Fee: 30$ USD Submit Now
Submission Deadline-20th July 2024
Special Issue of Education: Publication Fee: 30$ USD Submit Now

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VII, Issue VI, June 2022 | ISSN 2454–6194

Design and Implementation of Real-Time Poultry Feeding System

Patrick effraim1, Mr. Addison2, Mr. Nicholas Owusu-Debrah3, Mr. Abayemah alphonsus Bayor4
1, 2,3Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Department Accra Institute of technology Accra, Ghana
4Computer Engineering Department Accra Institute of technology

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: ln Ghana most of the people are farmers, Agriculture is one of the soul occupations. So there always comes a need for improvement in the field of agriculture. This project is an automated real-time Poultry Feeding system that is intended to provide automation for poultry feeding poultry farmers are performing diverse operations manually which result in production and laborious cost of human involvement in poultry farms, this led to huge financial loss as a result of their inability to properly automate. Unfortunately, the involvement of poultry farms in the feeding system of poultry could lead to disease outbreaks, undue fatigue, and malnutrition of birds. These challenges in the poor feeding system of birds prompted this research work by developing a real-time poultry feeding system based on (Arduino board) that could mimic the roles of the poultry attendants in feed dispensing for birds at specified time intervals. In this project, the user is allowed to control the poultry faster and more efficiently. It is composed of automated devices like Arduino Boards, tyrosine which checks the level of the feeding, and DS3231 RTC to feed the poultry. A real-time Poultry Feeding system is more efficient than the manual process of poultry feeding. Thus, the project minimizes the time to feed the poultry and it makes the poultry more productive.

Keywords: Arduino Uno, Ultrasonic sensor, Automatic poultry system, Automation, Remote Control, feeding control


Agriculture is the bedrock of sustainability of any economy It plays a key part in long-term economic growth, In the past, agricultural activities were limited to food and crop production [1]. But in the last two decades, it has evolved to processing, production, marketing, and distribution of crops and livestock products. Currently, agricultural activities serve as the basic source of livelihood, improving GDP, poultry farming is one of the agricultural activities which has brought major contributors to Ghana’s development through employment creation and the enhancement of nutrition and food. The poultry farming industry is entangled with several problems that necessitate redress. From the traditional way of feeding to now know automation, the traditional way of feeding poultry can be divided into two parts (a) Hand Feeding (b) Automation. Rearing of a collective group of birds such as turkeys, guinea fowls, quails, ostriches, geese, and domestic chickens is referred to as poultry., Egg and meat production is the primary purpose of keeping these birds. Other purpose includes pillow production through the industrial processing of the birds‟ feather and production of confectioneries (Hinduja, Sofia, Abhishek &