Determinant Factors of Women Showing Interest in Pursuing Post Graduate Studies

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VIII, Issue V, May 2021 | ISSN 2321–2705

Determinant Factors of Women Showing Interest in Pursuing Post Graduate Studies

MS. Ismiya Begum, M.I Nasrin
Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract — This study is entitled “Determinant factors of women showing interest in pursuing post graduate studies”. The purposes of this study to find out the reasons which contribute to Muslim women’s interest in pursuing postgraduate studies. Quantitative research method has been applied to undertake this study. Primary and secondary data have been collected from the Muslim female graduates in the south eastern University of Sri Lanka in order to accomplish the purposes of this study. This study has been carried out having South Eastern University of Sri Lanka as the place of research and focusing on approximately 200 Muslim female graduates of South Eastern University of Sri Lanka who graduated from the Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Islamic Studies and Arabic Languages from the year 2014 to the year 2019. For collecting primary data questionnaires were distributed among the female graduates who graduated from the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka after completing their bachelor’s degree from the year 2014 to the year 2019 and the data have been collected. For collecting secondary data books, university documents, newspaper articles, magazines and the contents of websites relevant to women’s education have been used to access the information required for the purpose of this study. Questionnaire data have been analyzed with SPSS statistical software using regression analysis method, through which the relationship between dependent and independent variables has been examined. The finding of this study Factors such as developing educational qualifications and gaining and expertise in a particular field are respectively the most influencing factors in Muslim women wanting to pursue postgraduate studies. Factors such as emerging as excellent resource person, securing promotion are the ones having extremely less influence in Muslim women wanting to pursue postgraduate studies. At the same time, the factor of becoming a best female leader has no bearing at all in Muslim women showing interest in pursuing post graduate studies.

Keywords— Postgraduate Studies, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Muslim women, Determinant, Interest


What is observed when we go back to world history to find out the status of women in early time is that women have been continuously subjugated by different races and religions in several ways. Women’s rights organizations, especially the ones which emerged in the 19th century after the renaissance, fought for having different rights of women secured. Feminism, having been the by-product of the activism of these organizations, led to revolutionary debates in relation to gender equality.
Prime among the rights which women were able to win consequent to the efforts of these movements is their right to education. When the evolving status of women’s presence in education is observed in light of the above, the fact that is evident is that the number of women