International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue II, February 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186
Determinants Of Academic Achievement Among Secondary School Students In Kericho Country, Kenya
Sang Kipchirchir Naftali, Dr. Thaddaeus Rugar
Department of Education Management, Policy and Curriculum Development, School of Education, Kenyatta University, Kenya
The mean score for mocks exams has been reducing for the last three years, therefore study tried to find out if student mocks (CATs) correlate with family background from which student came from. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of parental level of education, parental level of income, parental occupation and family size on student’s academic achievement. The study found out that family background indeed influence student academic achievement. Correlational research design was applied to analyze the data. Education production function theory was used to guide the study. 1809 form four students were the target population for the study. Simple random and stratified sampling method was employed to achieve the sample. Questionnaire used to collect data was validated by educational experts from Kenyatta University. Reliability of the instrument was obtained through test-retest. Multiple linear regression models were used to analyze the collected data and quantitative data was presented in tables. Frequencies, regression coefficient and Pearson’s coefficient correlation was used to present data analyzed. SPSS version 20 was utilized to generate summarized information in tables. Analyzed results showed that parent level of education, parental occupation and parental income express positive relationship with the student academic achievement however the size of the family express negative relationship with student academic achievement. Parents should participate in academic activities of their children and further studies regarding student academic achievement and family background should be done.
Background to the Study
Kenya advocate for good education and training for Vision 2030 since both will improve the economy of the country. United Nation (2010) categorized education as an important tool to be used to realize second goal of millennium. According to these studies good education produces dynamic people with skills.
Parental status has played a vital role in shaping academic achievement of students in the world. Parents motivate their children’s academic at their early age. Barrow, (2006) found out that number of years student stay in education institution and academic achievements was determined by parental background. Looking into the influence of family background on student academic achievement in secondary schools was necessary because education play a major role in developing the nation both socially and economically, (Barrow, 2006) children from stable families achieved better in academic than those from poor families. This was because parents gave school identity by sending their children to school. Thus their influence was felt in school through student academic performance. Student academic achievement defined as the performance of the students in the subject they study in the school (Clark, 2006). Academic achievement places learner to a particular status in the class and school. Academic achievement develops learner’s talents and prepares them to tackle academic challenges which might face them in future. Family background in this study was narrowed down to level of education of parent, income, family size, occupation among others.
Occupation has been seen as a factor which influences academic performance. Parents take major role in bringing up children in any given society therefore parental influence cannot be overlooked. Adekay, (2002) concluded that children are socialized by their parents to become productive people in future. Memo, (2010) found significant relationship between parent occupation and student academic performance. Student whose fathers work in highly paying occupation do better academically when compared to learners whose fathers work in less paying occupation. Kabinga, (2014) in his research in Tanzania stated that parents from formal occupation were able to assist their children at home and also in school. This occupation has regular payment which gives parents ability to provide their children academic necessities like reading and writing materials. On the other hand informal occupation such as peasantry and carpentry rope parents ability to prove academic necessities to their children.