Determination of Species Composition, Frequency and Woody Species Dominance of Egume Derived Savanna, Kogi State, Nigeria

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue III, March 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Determination of Species Composition, Frequency and Woody Species Dominance of Egume Derived Savanna, Kogi State, Nigeria

   Hemen, Terseer Joseph1, Usman, Sugei Simon2, Ayodele, Sami Michael3
1,2,3Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Nigeria Police Academy, Kano, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract:- Ecological studies of Egume Derived Savanna in Kogi State, Nigeria was carried out to determined the species composition, frequency and woody species dominance using random distribution method and basal area index for determination of woody species dominance. A total of 25 herbaceous species distributed in 8 different families were recorded during the study. Family Poaceae had recorded the highest number of species followed by the family Asteraceae while the rare families were Acanthaceae, Caesalpiniodeae, Convolvulaceae, Compositae and Cyperaceae. The most common species recorded in the study area were Chamaecrista mimosoiders, Andropogon gayanus, Acrceras zizaroides and Impomoea ericarpa. A total of 22 woody species were recorded from the study plots. Parkia biglobosa had the highest percentage (%) frequency (12.69), followed by Khaya senegalensis (10.59), while the rarest frequent woody species recorded were Piliostigma thonningii (1.48) and Bridelia ferruginea (1.23). Parkia biglobosa (African Locust Kean) had the largest basal area index of 8.0m2 followed by Daniellia oliveri (6.29m2). The high % frequencies and even distribution of the species recorded in the area were more than the one recorded in other parts of Africa, indicating that, the area is species rich which may be due to the fertility of the soil and favorable climate conditions of the place. In view of the species dominance of the two woody species, it will be interesting if the vegetation of the study area may be named after the two “leading woody species” as “Parkia Daniellia species vegetation.
Keywords: Ecological studies, Derived savanna, species composition, frequency and dominance, Basal area index.