International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue IX, September 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705
Onyebueke, Ogechukwu O.1, Onwuka, Shalom U.2, Okoye, Okechukwu N.N.3
1,2Department of Environmental Management, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria.
3Department of Industrial Chemistry, Evangel University, Akaeze, Ebonyi State, Nigeria
Abstract: Sequel to the fact that plastic wastes exist virtually everywhere in Enugu Metropolis, this study was carried out to determine the factors affecting plastic wastes generation in the area. The study was carried out in the three Local Government Areas that make up Enugu Metropolis which include Enugu North L.G.A, Enugu South L.G.A, and Enugu East L.G.A. A total of 400 households were sampled to represent the total population of households in the study area. The data for the study was obtained through the distribution of 126,118 and156 questionnaires to households in Enugu North L.G.A, Enugu South L.G.A, and Enugu East L.G.A respectively. The factors affecting plastic waste generation were analyzed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to determine the principal factors affecting plastic waste generation in the area. Results of the analysis showed that the nature of plastics products, human factors, governmental factors, political factors, as well as the attitude of the citizens, are principal contributory factors to plastic waste generation in the area. These principal factors should be put into consideration in the development of plastic waste management strategies in Enugu Metropolis to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of these management strategies.
Keywords: Plastic waste, Generation, Factors, Household, Attitude.
Plastics are used in almost every aspect of daily life, including the food and beverage packaging, footwear, textiles, agriculture, building/construction, health applications, home appliances. Currently, plastics are mostly preferred and used as a replacement for many other materials such as papers, leaves wood, metals, glass [24]. Over the past 50years, plastic production has risen from 15million tonnes in 1964 to 311million tonnes in 2014 [9], with the world plastic production reaching almost 350million tonnes in 2017 [20]. Plastic production reached 407million tonnes per annum globally and is expected to reach 1600 million tonnes per annum in 2050 if the production growth rate remains the same [18].