International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VI, Issue VII, July 2021|ISSN 2454-6194
Ejeh Samson E.*, D. Yabwa , Abuh Samuel O, Yakubu Hassan Koji
American University of Nigeria Yola, Nigeria
*Corresponding author
In our homes, indoor thermal discomfort has been very challenging and it depends on one or more of the materials used either as ceiling board rock used as walling materials; woods used in making doors and wood sample used in making roofing supports the roofing sheet itself or combination of all of them. Observation in the present competitive world reveals that people that are economically favored usually go for the costliest ceiling materials without preference to the thermal conductivity of the most sought after ceiling materials. It is based on this premise that this work designed to determine the thermal conductivity of the most frequently used ceiling materials and to predict the most suitable ceiling materials to be used especially in tropical regions. This research work encompasses the variation of thermal conductivity (with different types) of roofing ceiling. The Lee disc method will be used to determine the thermal conductivity of Plaster of Paris (POP), Polyvinylchloride (PVC) and Aesthetic timber wood. This project shall provide guide for the choice of the types of roof ceiling materials to be used in tropical regions and the rate at which they conduct heat.
Keywords: Thermal conductivity, Ceiling materials, Heat flow.
1.0 Introduction
Thermal insulators have been used in heat storage system to prevent temperature gradient thereby minimizing heat losses to the surrounding (Turner and Malloy 1988). In housing construction, insulators are used to prevent heat exchange across the boundaries of shelter. These insulating materials are usually made in various types, varieties, and form. Like loose fill rigid board pipes and foam, proper selection of insulating materials is based on the thermal properties which includes the thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity, thermal resistivity and thermal diffusity (Ayugi, 2009). Thermal insulator is provided by embedding insulation materials at least on the roofing area and the vertical walls of the system. (Novo and Baryon, 2010). Poor thermal insulation in heat losses or heat gain as the case may be. (Suman and Srivastava, 2009). Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), plaster of Paris (POP) and Aesthetic timber ceiling boards are ceiling purpose in Nigeria mainly due to availability in the market or their stunning appearance and not on their low thermal conductivity. However, some of these thermal insulators are not suitable ceiling materials to be used. This work therefore sets to determine among other things the insulation materials that provide better solution as ceiling material in terms of thermal conductivity or thermal resistivity thereby provide a guide for builders.