RSIS International

Developing Social Emotional Model for Adolescent Students Coping with Learning Difficulty in Tanzania Public Secondary Schools

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Developing Social Emotional Model for Adolescent Students Coping with Learning Difficulty in Tanzania Public Secondary Schools

Mwita Sospeter1, Dr. Theresia Shavega2, Dr. Cosmas Mnyanyi3
1A tutor ii, Agency for the Development of Educational Management (ADEM),
(PhD student) at the Open University of Tanzania, P.O.BOX 71 Bagamoyo, Tanzania
2Lecturer, Faculty of Education, the Open University of Tanzania, P.O.BOX 23409 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
3Lecturer, Faculty of Education, the Open University of Tanzania

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: – This collaboration action study developed social emotional model for adolescent coping with learning difficulty at secondary schools. Social emotions influence students coping with learning at school. This is true because students’ emotion determine their social interaction with peers during the learning process. Pro-social emotions are highly associated with adolescent developing interest in learning. A total of 203 adolescent aged 13 to 17 years in public secondary school, responded to questionnaires and focus group discussion. Student emotions and social emotions regulation strategies were reported by teachers through the interview and researchers observation during class hours and break time. About 83% students reported adolescent demonstrated variety of social emotions at school, including fighting in the class, kicking, joyful and excitement presented with the mean of 2.5, 4.0, 4.0 and 3.5 respectively. However, aggressive social emotions had negative correlation with students developing interest in learning while at school (r=.091, p=.49, t (-699), β=0.53). Unlike to positive emotions which revealed significant correlation with students coping with learning difficulty at school. Teachers used guidance and counseling as the strategy in fostering active engagement among adolescent students towards learning adjustment. Because, guidance and counselling brings comfort, mental wellbeing and social awareness among adolescent students hence influence coping with learning at school. It is argued that the future emotional being and healthier youth is achieved through the introduction of social clubs and counselling sessions in schools to adolescent students. Because are vulnerable to social emotion problem which may obstruct them from attaining their learning goals.

Key words: Social Emotional Behaviour, Adolescent, coping, learning


Social emotional is not a new concept across the world. Several authors (Musoga, 2017, Rowe and Fitness, 2018, Spencer, Walsh, Liang, Mousseau, & Lund, 2018) have argued that social emotions had been a serious case to adolescent students during the learning process. It has been recognised for its complexity among adolescent (Larson & Brown, 2007, Rubin, 1998), due to the product of multiple levels of deterministic.

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