RSIS International

Development of an Examination Based System for The Visually Impaired Persons

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2021|ISSN 2454-6194

Development of an Examination Based System for The Visually Impaired Persons

E.E. Chukwuemeka1, C. Ituma2, N.C. Oyiga3, N.C. Samson4 , U.C. Ebere5
1, 2 Department of Computer Science, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria
3,4Enugu State Polytechnic Iwollo, Enugu, Nigeria
5Destinet Smart Technologies, New layout, Enugu, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

This work presented the development of an examination based system for visually impaired persons. This was achieved to eliminate the challenges and disenfranchisements of visually impaired person’s right to quality education. This was achieved using voice synthesizer, photonic analyzer, and filters techniques. These were designed using universal modeling diagrams and then implemented with MYSQL and visual studio tool. The system was tested but background noise limited the performance, however ear and mouth piece was used to eliminate the back ground noise and good performance was achieved. The result showed the student was able to partake in the exam successfully and then received the overall score after the exam.

Keywords: Blind, Examination, Visual Studio, MYSQL, Results, Disenfranchisement


Blindness is a state where one is unable to see with the eye. It is a plight which is pathetic and very worrisome. This inability to see can be due to various reasons like sickness, accident, or even natural causes from birth. This set of individual struggles a lot to associate with the general public state of affairs, but are been limited by their inability to see, and as a result it has been difficult for all of them. Sometimes this people are been marginalized, neglected, and even abandoned by the society due to the lack of tools to help facilitate their integration with the public. To help solve this problem special centers like school churches, daycare, technologies, among others have been established to help provide good standard and also acquit the blind into the society, however this centers cannot function properly without advance tools and technologies. One of such is schools. Today education is believed to be the key to unlock all potentials from individuals irrespective of the person physical condition. According to George Weah “it is the right for everyone” and this right is not limited to the blind. However one of the main challenge faced by the blind today in their schools is the need for a system which can help them partake in public examinations.
In the conventional system one of the popular approaches is the use of Braille system [1]. This system is today generally use worldwide for blind people examinations, however despite the success it suffers from many limitations such as time wasting, cumbersome, required visual person assistance, high cost, takes time to process and provide results and lots more challenges to mention a few. As a result, this has made planning and carrying out examination process for the blind very difficult. To solve this problem, there is need for an intelligent system which will guide the blind just like a visual person using voice command and at the end the results will be made available to them.

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