RSIS International

Development of an Intelligent Fire Hazard Detection System Using Enhanced Machine Learning Technique

Submission Deadline: 14th March 2025
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Submission Deadline: 05th March 2025
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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VII, Issue III, March 2022 | ISSN 2454–6194

Development of an Intelligent Fire Hazard Detection System Using Enhanced Machine Learning Technique

1Odo F.E, 2Ituma C., 3Asogwa T.C., 4Ebere U.C.
1,2,3Enugu State University of Science and Technology
4Destinet Smart Technologies

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This work was targeted on the development of an intelligent fire hazard detection system using enhanced machine learning technique. The study reviewed many literatures which revealed the problems fire hazard has causes over the years, and also the efforts proposed to solve these problems, but despite the success achieved, there is still great room for improvements This was achieved using Dynamic Systems Development Model (DSDM) methodology which accommodates all necessary functionalities such as modeling diagram, mathematical models, algorithms and simulation based implementation. The model of the wavelet transform was developed and the decomposed output was feed to a Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN) which was trained with fire data collected from the Nigerian Fire Service Department and back propagation algorithm, to achieve an intelligent fire hazard detection algorithm. The algorithm was implemented with Mathlab and then tested. The result showed a regression performance value of 0.96152, accuracy of 93.33% and MSE value of 0.000103Mu which all indicated system reliability.

Keywords: Fire Hazard, Machine Learning, Wavelet Transform, Neural Network, Matlab


Fire hazard detection and prevention is vital for the safety of lives and properties in residential and public localities such as homes, hotels, industries, bar among other places. This topic has become very important due to the increase rate of fire accidents occurring both indoors and outdoors today. The outdoor involves mainly wild fire events which damages the ecosystem vegetation and wild lives with high economic impact which although can be recovered with time. However, the most devastating is the indoor fire hazards which often claim human lives and household properties. This is the most devastating as human lives is priceless and cannot be recovered when lost.Some of the cases of these indoor fire events are discussed in (Chen et al., 2017; Collins et al., 2019; Daniel et al., 2015).
According to (Collins et al., 2019), indoor fire hazard is caused mainly due to careless activities with fire during cooking (e.g reckless use of liquid petroleum gas (LPG) cylinder which can be very dangerous when carelessly exposed to flame). Other causes are poor electrical connections in structural designed which can short circuit and cause fire outbreaks, careless use of candle, smoking at home, faulty wiring among other reasons. In a report releases by the