International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VI, Issue XI, November 2021|ISSN 2454-6194
Development of Coastal Protection Structure in Karawang Coastal Area of Indonesia
Eny Budi Sri Haryani1*, Roberto Pasaribu2, Liliek Soeprijadi2, Anthon Anthonny Djari2, Chrisoetanto P. Pattirane2
1Study Program of Marine Engineering, Institute of Transportation and Logistics Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia
2Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic Karawang, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author
Abstract. This research is a case study on the coast of Karawang Regency, West Java Province, which is part of the North Coast of Java. In the coastal area of Karawang, it was previously planned to build a port, but it was canceled and shifted to another regency. How is the condition of the Karawang coast? Has it undergone physical changes and is it risky if a port is built, and do it need some coastal protection strutures to protect it from damage? What kind of coastal structures are suitable to protect the coast of Karawang? These question are at the same time a problem that will be raised in this study. The objectives of this research are: (1) to plan a coastal protection structure for the coast of Karawang; (2) to determine the type and structure of coastal protection structures that are suitable for the Karawang coast. Research data in the form of primary and secondary data, with primary data covering topography, bathymetry, tides, currents, obtained by validation through Ground Check Points (GCP), and secondary data covering wind, and socioeconomic. Analysis of the data through simulation and determination of the selected coastal structures, with the result that the appropriate coastal protection structures are breakwaters and groynes, because they can reduce the overflow of waves that occur, so that the coast is protected from the onslaught of damaging waves.
Keywords: Karawang coast, physical changes of the coast, coastal protection structures, breakwater, groyne.
Coastal area of Karawang, is part of the North Coast of Java Island and Karawang Regency is an area of West Java Province of Indonesia. In 2015, on the coast of Karawang Regency, especially the coast of Cilamaya, it was planned to build a public sea port, but it was cancelled dan moved to another regency. The market share of the Cilamaya port is planned to be 60 percent of the industrial area in Cikarang and Bekasi. This is because the initial scheme for the port project plan was to anticipate industrial growth in the eastern Jakarta area and the over-capacity of Tanjung Priok Port, in Jakarta of Indonesia [15].
There are many reasons for the cancellation rumors, considering that the port is a strategic infrastructure, so that various speculations have appeared in various reports in the mass media, ranging from political, business and physical conditions of the beach. Among other things, the Cilamaya coast was considered unsatisfactory for a port to be built and a beach with a 10-kilometers-wide shipping lane corridor was sought on the North Coast of Java. While previously, almost 5 years, a feasibility study has been carried out and has been