International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue I, January 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186
Emir Zulkarnain Mokodompis, Wayan Nuriada, Joni Widjayanto
Prodi Strategi Perang Semesta, Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan, Universitas Pertahanan
Abstract: Indonesia as an archipelagic country has a very wide border area, including North Sulawesi which borders the Sulawesi Sea, the Pacific Sea, and the Republic of the Philippines. Based on the characteristics of the border area of North Sulawesi which is an archipelago and the lack of monitoring infrastructure, the supervision carried out by the TNI is less than optimal, so that it becomes a gap for foreigners to enter illegally and also has the potential to become an entry point for other threats to state sovereignty. Based on this, this research was carried out with the aim of analyzing the development of defense forces in the North Sulawesi Border Region which needs to be implemented in the context of implementing the defense strategy of the big islands. The approach used is qualitative with data in the form of secondary data obtained from literature studies. Data analysis was carried out using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the study stated that the development of defense forces in the border area of North Sulawesi must refer to the orientation to self-reliance of Sulawesi as a whole as one of the big
islands which is the center of national defense. This can be realized by building food, water, energy reserves and national infrastructure facilities. In addition, in accordance with the condition of the border area in the form of an archipelago, it is also necessary to procure means of inter-island transportation that is intended for the implementation of the border control function. The development of defense forces also pays attention to four important aspects that must be considered, namely the budget aspect, setting practical targets, improving the quality of defense soldiers, and increasing deterrence.
Keywords: Defense Development, Border Area, North Sulawesi, Big Island, Strategy
Every country wants an increase in its national defense strength on an ongoing basis. A strong state defense is a very important factor that must be owned by the state in order to maintain the sustainability of the people’s lives in it, as well as improve the quality of life welfare through the implementation of government activities that are controlled and free from threats. The strategy that can be formulated to realize it is in the form of building a defense force, which generally considers factors originating from internal and external to the state. External factors include technological developments and various types of threats that have the potential to emerge as a result of changes in the global environment, while internal factors consist of geographical characteristics and resource ownership[1]. With regard to the first external factor, namely technological developments, in general this factor is one of the main factors underlying the development of the war model that is taking place in the world. This is as explained by William S. Lind that in total there are four existing models of warfare, ranging from the basic model to the most recent one. The first war model, called the First Generation of War (1stGW), is a war that emphasizes the human resource (HR) factor as the main force that is put forward to win the war. The next model of warfare, which is called the Second Generation of War (2ndGW), is a war that no longer only relies on HR factors, but there are already several types of war weapons involved to support the strength of HR. In this 2ndGW, humans fight by relying on heavy weapons to dominate and win the war. Without these weapons, it is certain that there will be defeat, so humans are competing to equip and develop further weapons of war in order to increase the possibility of being able to win the war. In the next generation of war, namely the Third Generation of War (3rdGW), besides being supported by weapons technology, humans are also supported by information technology.