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Development of English in Analyzer Module in Increasing the English Language Ability for Health Analysis Students

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue IX, September 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Development of English in Analyzer Module in Increasing the English Language Ability for Health Analysis Students

Nova Mustika1, Anggun Sophia2
1D III Analis Kesehatan, STIKes Perintis Padang, Lubuk Buaya Padang, Indonesia
2D III Keperawatan, STIKes Perintis Padang, Lubuk Buaya Padang, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract:-One important thing to highlight in improving the quality of education in health tertiary institutions is the facilities and infrastructure in the form of learning modules, especially those concerning the English language practice specifically for health analysts. The author considers that the module is a very important tool in the smoothness of a learning process because the learning process module is expected to run more directed and the learning objectives can be achieved. This study aims to develop English in Analyzer module in improving English language skills for valid health analyst students. This type of research used is research and development or Research and Development (R&D), which is research that produces certain products. The development model used in this study is the 4 D model, namely Define, design, develop, disseminate. The research instrument used in the form of a questionnaire consisting of sheets of the validity of English learning outcomes tests. This English in Analyzer module is validated by 3 validators consisting of 1 Lecturer with an English Doctor’s Degree, 1 English Lecturer at the STIKes Perintis Padang and 1 Health Analyst Lecturer at the STIKes Perintis Padang. The results of the lecturer practicality and student practicality sheets showed the average kappa moment (k) scores were 0.87, 0.71, respectively. Both of these scores if interpreted in the kappa moment category then the validity and practicality category of this module is High. Modules that have been developed are practically used for learning English for Health Analyst Students.

Keywords: Module, English in Analyzer, English Language Ability


STIKes Perintis Padang as one of the health tertiary institutions by having one of the health analyst studies programs has put English courses as a skill that must be mastered by its students. The pattern of education in the STIKes PErintis Padang especially in the Health Analyst Study Program, always emphasizes the importance of mastering English as an international language that must be mastered by students.

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