Development of Low-Cost Non-Contacting Thickness of Material Measurement Instrument
M. O. Osinowo
Department of Physical Sciences, Redeemer’s University, Ede, Nigeria
Received: 27 May 2023; Revised: 08 June 2023; Accepted: 13 June 2023; Published: 15 July 2023
Abstract: The goal of the research was to develop a low-cost, non-contact tool for determining material thickness. The non-contacting thickness is made up of the time-of-flight (ToF) distance sensor, liquid crystal display, and microprocessor. The substance being tested is placed in a rectangular wooden frame, with the ToF distance sensor positioned beneath the upward end of the rectangular frame. The sensor has a dimension of 400 mm range and a resolution of 1 mm. when the device is tested with various materials thickness value is equal to value obtained when used with high accurate precision Vanier caliper. The SD determined is 0.67 is very low that indicate that value tends close to true value.
Index Terms: Time-of-Flight Sensor (ToF), Laser driver, Radiated photons, Microcontroller, Liquid Crystal Display
I. Introduction
Non-contact distance sensors, such as ultrasonic sensors, have proven to be effective in determining the thickness of a material from one side. It is quick, dependable, and adaptable, with little difficulty in gauging. In the late 1940s, the first commercial ultrasonic gauges were introduced, based on echo system principles. In the 1970s, small, portable equipment designed for a wide range of test applications became popular. Later advancements in microprocessor technology resulted in new levels of performance in today’s sophisticated, user-friendly small non-contacting thickness of material instruments.
Many companies and universities throughout the world have created non-contacting distance sensors based on various ideas. Sound (ultrasonic), time-of-flight, infrared, and high-frequency waves with wavelengths ranging from micrometers to hundreds of kilometers are used. As a result, this non-contacting sensor is now used to measure distance, depth, thickness, surface roughness, and other parameters.
Contact measurement uses a probe to make contact with the upper and lower surfaces of the material to be measured, allowing the thickness of the test material to be determined. Normal classic contact measurement approach could easily result in scratches on surface of the material to be measured, coating damage and difficulty guaranteeing cleanliness. The non-contact optical measurement technology has been vital in overcoming this difficulty and has continually advanced (Lettner and Zagar, 2013; and Noel et al., 2005) [1], [2]. As a result, several systems use a non-contact method to increase transparency, plate thickness assessment accuracy and dependability. Hassani (2016) [3] demonstrated the use of white-light sources in Fresnel diffractometry to increase the sensitivity and accuracy of film thickness measurements, with findings that were in excellent agreement and had fewer than 5% relative errors. Furthermore, Kim et al., (2011) [4] used a dual-arm axial-scanning low-coherence interferometer to detect the non-contact thickness of biological samples regardless of shapes, thickness, or transparency of the materials under test. Park et al., (2016) [5] and Quangsang et al., (2016) [6] presented a dual low-coherence scanning interferometer to detect big height steps on a specimen’s topographic surface and the thickness profile of a clear optical plate as a novel concept. At present, all of the non-contacting thickness instruments that are available are high cost, highly specialized and cannot be repaired if they broke down. This low- cost non-contact measurement method has a resolution of 1 mm.