RSIS International

Development Strategy of Accessories Crafts in Jombang District Using Swot Analysis

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue I, January 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Development Strategy of Accessories Crafts in Jombang District Using Swot Analysis

Endang Prihatiningsih1, Rahaju Saraswati2, Lulus Margiati3
1Economics Faculty, University of WR Supratman Surabaya, Indonesia
2Industrial Engineering Program, University of WR Supratman Surabaya, Indonesia
3Postgraduate Program, University of WR Supratman Surabaya, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract – This study aims to analyze the development of the bead accessories industry in Plumbon Gambang village, Gudo District, Jombang Regency. by identifies internal and external factor that will be used to formulate a strategy using SWOT analysis. Data collection techniques used were interviews, questionnaires, and observation and documentation.
The results of the study using SWOT analysis with the IFE and EFE matrices are known that the appropriate strategy for the industrial accessories of the village of Plumbon Gambang beads is market penetration and product development. This strategy can be implemented by utilizing support from the Jombang local government, especially for capital problems, improving the skills of the workforce, and equipment and market information through related agencies.

Key Words : Development Strategy, SWOT Analysis


The development program implemented by the Government aims to establish the independence of individual communities which includes the independence of thinking and independence to act so that they have cognitive, affactive, conative and psychomotor abilities.
Businesses in Indonesia, 90% dominated by micro, small and medium enterprises. SMEs is one of the business units are labor-intensive and can sustain a democratic economic development are being programmed current government. For that the government provides various facilities in licensing, tax relief as well as provide direction and guidance for small businesses (Taufiq, 2007).
However, in the ordinary course of business, SMEs are faced with many problems such as lack of capital, poor quality of human resources and lack of mastery of science and technology. It is generally caused by SMEs is a family owned business (home industry) that do not yet have access to capital and the lack of separation between private business capital needs.