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Diponegoro War (1825-1830) In the Perspective of Total War Strategy

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue V, May 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

Diponegoro War (1825-1830) In the Perspective of Total War Strategy

Dhiah Ayu Duwi Wahyuni, Sukma Wijaya, Jeffri Dominggus Ritiau, I Wayan Midhio
Study Program Total War Strategy, Faculty of Defense Strategy, Republic of Indonesia Defense University

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Indonesia is one of the countries that implements a universal defense system, which in the universal defense system involves all people and all national resources, national facilities and infrastructure, and all regions of the country as a defense unit. The concept of the Universe War was born long before independence, at which time Indonesia was faced with a difficult and critical situation due to the arrival of the Dutch who wanted to spread their influence in the archipelago. With all the limitations it has, the Indonesian nation must fight to face the colonization carried out by the Dutch, both through diplomatic struggles and armed struggles. Both forms of struggle in the war are carried out guerrillaally, integrated, and supporting each other, and by mobilizing all their resources. Based on this phenomenon, the author was encouraged to analyze the birth of the concept of the Universe War which stemmed from the historical experience of the struggle of the Indonesian nation during the Diponegoro War. The discussion in this article uses qualitative research methods using a historical approach, where in the procedure of preparation through four stages, namely: heuristic, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The data analysis used is historical analysis, with an emphasis on sharpness in interpreting historical facts. From the analysis and research conducted, it can be proven that during the Diponegoro War, armed struggle and diplomatic struggle can run parallel and strengthen each other. The essence of equality has been embedded in both forms of struggle with the support and mobilization of the people, the deployment of all resources owned and the entire area of struggle.
Keywords: War Strategy, Total War, Diponegoro War.
The strategy of universal warfare is a concept of total war that explores the roots of culture or local wisdom, which is synergized with combat tactics that correspond to the geographical and demographic forms of the surrounding environment. Local wisdom found from the form of mutual cooperation or involvement of all people. Unlike the theory of total war carried by Clausewitz, the universe war or total war indonesia has its own peculiarities, namely the existence of harmony. The nature of the persimmon further became the Indonesian defense system that was included in the national regulations. According to Law No. 23 of 2019 concerning National Resource Management which states that the state defense system is a universal defense system involving all citizens, regions, and other national resources, and is prepared early by the government and organized in a total, integrated, purposeful, and continuing to uphold state sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the safety of the entire nation from all threats. The nature of harmony dug from cultural roots, of