RSIS International

Diversity, Abundance, Uniform and Dominance of Plantones in the Batu Bumbun Reservat Kutai Kartanegara Regency

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Diversity, Abundance, Uniform and Dominance of Plantones in the Batu Bumbun Reservat Kutai Kartanegara Regency

 Sus Trimurti, Lariman
Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Mulawarman University, Jl. Barong Tongkok No.4 Gunung Kelua, Samarinda, East Kalimantan

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The research activity on the Diversity, Abundance, Uniformity, and Dominance of Plankton in the Batu Bumbun Reservat aims to determine the potential of plankton as natural food for fish in a waters that serves as a fishery reserve. Batu Bumbun Reservation is a freshwater reserve that is used as a fishery reserve, located in Muara Muntai District which borders on the bay (Ulak Banda), namely from Muara Tawar, Sungai Tawar and its surroundings to Lake Batu Bumbun, from Muara Sungai Muntai, Labak Beto to Tanjung Kemujan, Keluang river and its surroundings. The total area of the location is about 450 Ha. The methodology used is the survey method. Research activities are carried out from February to April 2021 for sampling and analysis in the laboratory. Water environment data includes data on physical, chemical and biological parameters. Physical parameters measured are: temperature, brightness, and depth. Chemical parameters to be taken are: pH, DO, and Alkalinity. The biological parameter to be taken is plankton. The results of the research on Plankton found in the Batu Bumbun reserve are 64 species which are divided into 10 classes consisting of 6 classes of phytoplankton, namely: Bacillariophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenaceae, Myxophyceae and Xanthophyceae and 4 classes of zoo plankton, namely: Crustacea, Ciliata, Lobosa and Monogononta. The total value of plankton abundance obtained during the study at station 1 was 56,852 individuals/liter, station 2 was 38,552 individuals/liter and station 3 was 54,107 individuals/liter. The highest diversity index value (H’) is found at station 1 of 3.4376 and the lowest diversity index value (H’) is at station 2 of 2.8585. The range of diversity index (H’) at 3 stations ranged from 2.8585 to 3.4376 which was classified as good and stable diversity. The highest uniformity index value (E) is at station 3 of 0.9152 and the lowest uniformity value (E) is at station 2 of 0.7916. The range of the uniformity index (E) at the 3 stations ranged from 0.7916 to 0.9152 so that at the 3 stations the distribution of individuals was fairly even at each station. The value of the dominance index (D’) at the 3 stations ranged from 0.0399 to 0.1100 which indicated that the number of individuals for each species was almost the same and that there were no species that dominated other species or in other words the community structure was in a stable condition.This condition is very important considering Batu Bumbun is a fishery reserve that must provide fish as an economic source for the surrounding community and as a source of food for protected mammals, namely the Mahakam Pesut (Orcaellabrevirostris).

Key words: Diversity, Abundance, Uniformity, Dominance, Plankton, Reservat

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