International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue IX, September 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
Domestic Violence in Makoni District of Manicaland Zimbabwe (2000-2010)
Dr David Foya
National University of Science and Technology, Department of Business Management, P.O. Box AC 939, Ascot, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Abstract:-The topic was domestic violence and its impact children. The aim was to investigate impact of domestic violence on the children in schools. The objective of the study was to examine how domestic violence affects learning of children and assess the long term impact of domestic violence on the children even after school. Some of the research questions include how far does domestic violence affect children in their learning processes, to what extent does domestic violence have long term impact on children in their adult lives. The study adopted qualitative research design. The reason for the choice being that the study discussed feelings and emotions hence these could not be quantified. The respondents were sampled through purposive and the researcher used questionnaires and interviews to collect information from the respondents. The findings indicate that domestic violence is extremely common and has negatively affected both the parents and the children. The children are the worst affected both at school, socially and the impact is long term. The domestic violence has led to children both boys and girls to leave their homes in Makoni District and have resorted to prostitution, drug abuse, and other anti-social activities. This study concludes that schools in the district have lost children due to pregnancies, general drop out from schools. The department of Social Welfare has admitted that the challenges caused by economic meltdown and eviction of commercial farms in the district have completed matters and currently the government has no capacity to handle the challenges. This study therefore recommends government increases budgets for the Ministries of Health and Child Care, Ministry of Labour and Social Services as well as to Ministry of Small to Medium Enterprises so that these can assist several thousands of people who are affected in the district. In addition, the study recommends that Government should work with NGOs to try and improve the situation which is so dire since it has no capacity to handle the situation alone.
Key Words: children, domestic violence, impact
Operational Definitions
Battered spouse is a person who is physically and emotionally abused by the other marriage spouse.
Dissolution refers to a legal way to end a marriage in which the marriage partners decide the conditions for the settlement.