International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume II, Issue VI, June 2018 | ISSN 2454-6186
E-Governance and Public Policy Efficiency in Nigeria: An Appraisal of Treasury Single Account Policy
Yahaya Yakubu
Department of Political Science & Int’l Relations, Nile University of Nigeria
Abstract:-The Federal government in 2015 issued a directive for full implementation of a unified Treasury Single Account policy in a bid to unify government banking structure. Upon an objective appraisal the study posits TSA will aid in efficient and effective management of public fiscal resources, it will also serve as a mechanism for fraud detection and prevention in the public sector. Regrettably, the hurried manner in which the policy was implemented, without taking into account certain pre-conditions, has brought about certain unintended negative implications. Amongst which includes sharp economic contractions, retrenchment of workforce in the banking sector and the capacity of the state to execute the policy. Accordingly, the study posits the need for phasal implementation of policies with wide coverage range such as TSA. It also emphasizes the need for capacity building for relevant stakeholders and mass sensitization on the nature and working of the policy. Summarily, the study recommends the need for relentlessness in enforcing the policy beyond Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs).
Key Words: Treasury Single Account, Public Fund Management, Fraud Detection and Prevention, Corruption and Federal Government of Nigeria.
Policies are purposive courses of resolution based actions, concocted in response to an existing or professed problem. Public policies are riddled through a manifold of process, which amongst other includes a strategy of identification, formulation and implemented through legislation or regulatory measures. While the state is pre-occupied with implementing Public Policies (PP), individuals, pressure groups and lobbyist attempt to shape public policy through the mobilization of interest groups, political lobbying, advocacy, sensitization and education. Formally established policies aid governments over a variety of courses of actions as it also functions as mediums through which representation and responsiveness are actualized within functional democracies.