RSIS International

Effect of Infill Walls on Seismic Performance of RC Frames

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue II, February 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Effect of Infill Walls on Seismic Performance of RC Frames

Mohd Abdul Malik1, M A Azeem2, Mohd Nazim Raza3

IJRISS Call for paper

1Post Graduate Student (Structures), Department of Civil Engineering, DCET, Hyderabad, India
2Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, DCET, Hyderabad, India
3Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, MJCET, Hyderabad, India

Abstract: For this study, three different shape buildings are considered which are both regular and irregular in plan. Three different storey conditions are applied to all the three buildings. A regular Rectangular shape, L shape and C shape buildings are studied having all 11 storey, 16 storey, 21 storey conditions. The Nonlinear static analysis is performed for all the models. The Seismic performance of Bare frame is compared with Infill frame, and for each shape models with different storey combination the effect change in number of bays with infill is studied. The Seismic performance of frame with soft storey is compared with frame having no soft storey conditions. The parameters studied are Storey Drifts, Time Period, Base Shear, Roof displacement, Performance points, and Hinge formation mechanism. From the study of all the thirty models it is found that the presence of Infill wall increases the load carrying capacity of the structure by 8 to 10 times than that of bare frame and the time period is decreased ranging from 188% to 325%.

Keywords: regular, irregular, nonlinear static analysis, infilled frames performance points.


Reinforced concrete frames are one of the most common constructions for low to medium rise buildings in all kinds of seismic hazardous regions. Brick masonry infill wall acts as a separation between the rooms with different functionalities and also provides additional stiffness to the RC frames enclosing it. The aspect that masonry infill wall provides additional stiffness to the moment resisting frame is usually neglected. The stiffness, strength and ductility are the major properties of a structure to estimate its capacity. For a complete understanding of the capacity of the frame, these three parameters are needed to be analyzed properly and the factors affecting them must be studied in detail. One such component that alters the stiffness, strength and ductility of the structure is the infill wall in the RC moment resisting frame. Due to this, it becomes necessary to understand the behaviour of the infill wall in terms of these three parameters. The effect of infill walls on the RC frames is well noted in many earthquake scenarios from the past.