Effect of Blade Number on the Performance of a Centrifugal Pump Using Commercial Tool ANYS 91.2
Daniel-Kyei Kankam1, Castro Owusu- Manu Kwabena2, Dominic Boateng3, Alexander Fordjour4*
1Takoradi Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Takoradi, Western Region, Ghana
2Ho Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Ho, Volta Region, Ghana
3Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kumasi Technical University, Kumasi, Ashanti Region, Ghana
4Koforidua Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Koforidua- Eastern Region, Ghana
*Correspondence Author
DOI: https://doi.org/10.51584/IJRIAS.2023.8410
Received: 31 May 2023; Revised: 18 June 2023; Accepted: 27 June 2023; Published: 03 August 2023
Abstract: Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is frequently used in centrifugal pump design. The characteristics of the flow fields around turbomachinery can be simulated using tools for numerical computational fluid dynamics in three dimensions. Numerical simulation, which also provides significant information for the hydraulic design of the centrifugal pump, can be used to visualize the internal flow condition of a centrifugal pump. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of blade number on the hydraulic performance curve using a commercial instrument. ANSYS 91.2. code commercial. The geometric model of the pump was built using CF turbo, and the flow domain was meshed using the commercial programme ICEM. The results demonstrated that an increase in the number of blades significantly improved the hydraulic performance of the centrifugal pump’s head. The findings also revealed that the area of the low-pressure zone at the blade’s input suction grew and that the static pressure distribution homogeneity in the diffusion section was significantly better than that in the spiral section. The design flow of 35 m3 per hour is where the best efficiency point (BEP) is located. At Z = 6 and Z = 7, the head values were 51.58 m and 53.13 m, respectively, while the efficiency values were 50.32% and 53.35%. The comparison of the H-Q curve for estimated head discharge indicates that all impeller efficiency curves share the same fundamental tendency.
Keywords: Impeller; Blade number; Centrifugal pump; Hydraulic efficiency
I. Introduction
In recent years, numerical simulation technology has developed as one of the most effective and economical methods for analyzing the flow inside the pump and predicting its characteristics. Centrifugal pumps are among the most extensively used pieces of machinery in a range of applications, including industry, residences, power plants, agriculture, water supply, and transportation, according to Asuaje et al. (2005), Shah et al. (2013), and Usha et al. (2010). The centrifugal pump works on the forced vortex concept. The prime mover (electrical energy) is converted into kinetic energy and pressure energy by the pump’s two main parts, the impeller and volute. These pumps must function well due to the wide range of applications for centrifugal pumps, which rely on blade characteristics such as blade inlet, blade number, and outlet angle and are governed by the speed triangle. A centrifugal pump uses hydrodynamic energy, which is created when the rotating kinetic energy of the fluid flow is transferred into the fluid flow. An impeller is used to move the fluids from an area of low pressure (the inlet) to an area of higher pressure (the output). The fluid is forced toward the pump by air pressure because centrifugal pumps create negative pressure at the inlet pressure (Supponen et al. 2018; Ghorbani et al. 2015). The characteristics of the centrifugal pump impeller blade have a considerable impact on the pump head and efficiency. The effect of the blade trailing edge angle on centrifugal pump performance has been the subject of theoretical and experimental research by certain scientists. Bacharoudis et al.2008 looked at how three trailing edge angles—20, 30, and 50—affected the capacity to maintain a consistent diameter. It was found that the hydraulic efficiency rose with increasing oil but fell with increasing water as the working medium. The head of water and oil increased with an increase in blade outlet angle. The numerical results’ trend and the experiment’s findings are strongly congruent. The results show that the outlet angle is greater than 32.50 for 90 outlet angles.