RSIS International

Effect of Cooperative Learning Strategy on Students’ Academic Achievement in Mathematics in Senior Secondary Schools in Mubi Educational Zone, Adamawa State, Nigeria

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VI, Issue I, January 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Effect of Cooperative Learning Strategy on Students’ Academic Achievement in Mathematics in Senior Secondary Schools in Mubi Educational Zone, Adamawa State, Nigeria

Dr. Marcel P. Agah1 and Ezekiel, Saratu Midankiya2
1Department of Science Education, Adamawa State University, Mubi, Nigeria
2Mubi North Local Education Authority, Mubi Adamawa State, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

The study investigated the effect of the cooperative learning approach on students’ academic achievement in Mathematics in senior Secondary Schools in Mubi Educational Zone, Adamawa State. The study adopted quasi – experimental design. The estimated Population for the study was 11,987 male and female students. Four schools were selected using simple random sampling without replacement techniques. The intact classes used constituted the Experimental group taught Mathematics by cooperative learning strategy (130), while the other two intact classes formed the control group taught Mathematics by Lecture method (132). The instrument for the study was Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) adopted and constructed by the researcher. The reliability index of 0.80 was obtained using Cronbach’s alpha statistics. Data was analyzed `using independent sample t-test statistics to test the hypotheses raised. The findings of this study revealed that there was significant difference in the mean scores of students taught Mathematics using Cooperative learning strategy and lecture method( t =10.04,df = 260, p < 0.05). There was no significant difference in the retention rate of students taught Mathematics using Cooperative learning strategy and lecture method( t = 1.51 , df = 260 N= 262, p> 0.05 ) .There was no significant gender difference in the students taught Mathematics using Cooperative learning strategy in the study area( t = – 65 , df = 128 , N = 130, p> 0.05 ). Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended among others that Mathematics teachers should incorporate cooperative learning strategy with other instructional approaches in lesson delivery in order to improve students’ ability in the learning and understanding of Mathematics in senior secondary schools.

Key words: Paradigm shift, Cooperative Learning, Constructivism, Academic Achievement, Reflective Thinking, Cognitive Skills, Mathematics and problem-solving.


In educational researches, the use of instructional strategies of teaching and learning forms a major topic of discourse. Educators have advocate for a paradigm shift from traditional talk and chalk approach of teaching /learning to an all engagement of students in teaching and learning process (learner – centered. The particular interest is the observation that poor instructional approaches are used in the classroom. Learners are often subjected to the conventional method of instruction, which is referred to as authoritarian pedagogical approach. Therefore, there is the need to look for effective and innovative instructional strategies that will promote effective teaching and learning outcomes of students in Mathematics.