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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue V, May 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

Effect of Different Organic Fertilizers on Yield and Quality of Amaranthus (Amaranthushybridus)

Adedeji J. A1; Idowu-Agida, O.O.2*; Awogbade, A.L1; Oni, O. O1.; Oladejo L.F1, and Oladosu, B.O.2

IJRISS Call for paper

1Federal College of Agriculture, Moor Plantation Ibadan
2National Horticultural Research Institute P.M.B.5432 Dugbe, Ibadan
*Corresponding author

Abstract:- Amaranthushybridus is a vegetable with great nutritional value in human diet. Effects of different organic fertilizer rates was studied on plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, fresh and dry shoot weight, fresh and dry root weight, and proximate analysis were carried out using standard methods. The treatments consist of poultry manure (PM) at 100, 75, and 50%;cow dung used at 100, 75 and 50while control treatment contained no manure. The treatments were replicated 3 times and arranged in Completely Randomize Design (CRD). Data were collected on growth and yield parameters were analyzed with Analysis of variance and means were separated with Duncan Multiple Range Test. Results showed that different organic fertilizer rates had significant effect (p≤0.05) on plant height, number of leaves, and leaf area with PM 100% had the tallest, more number of leaves and broadest leaf area (76.67cm, 12.33, and 1.572cm3), respectively, while the shortest height, least number of leaves, and leaf area were obtained in the control. PM 100% had a significantly (p≤0.05) higher amount of crude protein, crude fat, ash, vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Calcium Ca, Potassium K, and Iron Fe, but control had the least. There was no significant effect(p≥0.05) of different organic fertilizer rate on chlorophyll content among the treatments except with control. PM 50% had the highest fresh and dry matter weight of (165195.87 and 20226.2 kg/ha), respectively, while PM 75% had the highest fresh and dry root weight of (99090.85 and 53651.9 kg/ha). In conclusion, different organic manure and their rate of application had a significant effect (p≤0.05) on growth, yield and chemical composition of Amaranthushybridus.

Keywords: Amaranthushybridus, cow dung, organic manure, poultry manure, vitamins and minrealsanalyses