International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VI, Issue V, May 2021|ISSN 2454-6194
Effect of drying methods on proximate and Antinutrients Composition of Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) Pod
Adeosun, Y.M.* and Oni I.O.
Department of Agricultural and Bio-Environmental Engineering, The Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State
*Corresponding Author
This study evaluated the effect of drying methods on the proximate and antinutritional composition of Cocoa Pod. The cocoa (Theobroma cacao) pod that was used for this study was sliced into three different sizes (1/2,1/4 and 1/8) and was dried using three different drying methods (Cabinet dryer at a temperature of 70oC), and the other analyzed fresh. The result was analyzed using standard methods and procedures. Changes in moisture content of the cocoa pod were monitored every 30min the moisture content of the sample became constant. The result shows that the cabinet drying was found to be more effective for moisture removal compared to other drying methods open sun and solar drying (10.811 ± 0.023%), (14.15 ± 0.127%) and (14.295 ± 0.035%). The Ash content of the dried sample for open sun drying range (11.06 ± 0.679%), solar dryer (8.175 ± 0.474%), and cabinet dryer (10.854 ± 0.038%). Crude protein content for the fresh analyzed sample is (11.71 %), open sun drying (10.4 %), solar drying (7.77 %) and cabinet dryer (10.40 %). Crude fibre for fresh sample (2.39 %), solar dryer (58.13 %), open sun dryer (51.93 %) and for cabinet dryer (31.56 %). The result shows that the drying significantly (P<0.05) increased the fibre content of the sample. The result of fat content for the fresh sample (4.105 %), solar dryer (2.47 %), open sun drying (2.49 %), and cabinet dryer (4.11 %). The carbohydrate content of cabinet dryer (35.50%), open sun drying (9.94 %), solar dryer (9.31 %) and the fresh sample (4.23 %). The result of antinutritional composition also shows the following; Saponin mg/g for the fresh analyzed sample is (19.569), open sun drying (6.541), solar drying (9.767), and for cabinet dryer (11.650). Tannin mg/g for the fresh analyzed sample is (5.055), open sun drying (1.064), solar drying (1.408), and cabinet dryer (4.900). Steroid mg/g for the fresh analyzed sample is (3.356), open sun drying (2.509), solar drying (2.806), and for cabinet dryer (1.650). flavonoid mg/g for the fresh analyzed sample is (2.808), open sun drying (1.161), solar drying (1.859), and cabinet dryer (2.900). Terpenoid mg/g for the fresh analyzed sample is (15.350), open sun drying (6.714), solar drying (11.919), and cabinet dryer (0.235). Alkaloid mg/g for the fresh analyzed sample is (43.597), open sun drying (21.940), solar drying (28.314), and cabinet dryer (36.700). This finding shows that the increase in the intensity of heat might not significantly destroy the antinutrient composition of dried cocoa (Theobroma cacao) pod as much as spending longer time in the system.
Keyword: Anti nutrient, Proximate analysis, Drying, Cocoa Pod husks, Drying methods
Cocoa pod husks are waste from cocoa bean processing. currently, which give rise to the environmental pollution problem in cocoa-producing areas of the world, serve as possible sources of disease transmission when used as mulch in cocoa farms. However, the cocoa pod can be used in livestock feed formulation as a valuable ingredient in meal form, when processed properly it reduces the theobromine content and contributes to digestibility. In preserving cocoa pod various techniques have been embraced in the treatment and processing of cocoa pod meal for the motive of animal feed formulation. Some of the technique include hot-water treatment by (Adegbola and Omole, 1973); alkali treatment adopted by Isika et al., (2012); Bedford, (2000); Zakaria et al., (2008); reported enzyme (mannanase) treatment,