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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume V, Issue III, March 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Effect of Fish Poisoning on Human Health: A Review

Rabo, P. D.1, Sudik, S. D.2*, Dikwahal, S. H3, Gulukun, E.Z.3
1Department of Agricultural Technology College of Agriculture P.M.B 001 Garkawa, Nigeria
2Department of Animal Science, Federal University of Gashua, Yobe State, Nigeria
3Department of Animal Health and Production, College of Agriculture P.M.B 001 Garkawa, Nigeria
*Corresponding author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: – The purpose of this review was to highlight the human health risk associated with consuming fish contaminated by heavy metals and naturally occurring toxins and ways to reduce their effects on human. The presence of metals like mercury, cadnium and lead in human food are extremely dangerously to human health even at low levels of concentrations. Some of the health risk associated by consuming fish contaminated with metals include renal failure, liver and kidney damage, cardiovascular diseases, some produce neurogenic, carcinogenic effects and reduce immune system. Various species of fish and shell fish contain biotoxins that produce ciguatera fish poisoning, Scombroid fish poisoning, rudder fish poisoning, Tetradotoxin or puffer fish poisoning when consumed by humans. To remedy fish poisoning, medical attention should be sought at the onset of symptoms, fish roes and organs as well as fish caught during algal bloom and global warming should not be eaten. Public enlightenment should be employed. Professional like Toxicologist, Doctors, Neurologists andother practitioners should all be involved; andfinally advance technology generating less metal pollution to our environment and Aquacultural practices should be encouraged. This can give rise to hazard control upon fish habitats and making the food free from contamination.
Keywords: Algal bloom, Bioaccumulation, Biomagnification, Biotoxins, Fish, Health risk


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