RSIS International

Effect of Graphic Organizers on Performance and Retention in Writing and Balancing of Chemical Equations by Grade 11 Pupils at Temweni Secondary School, Ndola

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue VIII, August 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Effect of Graphic Organizers on Performance and Retention in Writing and Balancing of Chemical Equations by Grade 11 Pupils at Temweni Secondary School, Ndola

Chanshi Christopher1*and Daka Phillip2

IJRISS Call for paper

1,2School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, The Copperbelt University, P.O. BOX 21692, Kitwe, Zambia

Abstract: Viable evidence indicates that in spite of frantic efforts put in place by Ministry of General Education such as the fast track training of Science teachers, introduction of a practical examination, abolishing of a complete theory multiple-choice question paper and having two separate theory papers for chemistry and physics following the revision of the curriculum so as to improve performance in science subjects, the performance of students still remains below average in science subjects particularly chemistry. The recent 2019 examinations results have also indicated that the performance of students in science subjects was below average. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the effect of graphic organizers on students’ performance and retention in writing and balancing of chemical equations. The design of the study was a counter-balance quasi-experimental non-equivalent group. The sample composed of 111 grade eleven pupils comprising 51 boys and 60 were girls. The study was conducted in two phases and lasted for six weeks. The first phase was conducted for a period of 3 weeks. During this period the experimental group was exposed to the treatment, the graphic organizers, and the control group was taught using lecture method there after post-test1 was administered. The second phase started in the fourth week and lasted for 3 weeks as well. In this phase the control group was exposed to the intervention the graphic organizers while the initial experimental group was taught using lecture method there after post-test2 was administered.
Two instruments were used to collect quantitative data, and this include chemistry achievement test (CAT) and attitude and belief questionnaire. These instruments were administered once before and once after the intervention. The scores of the subjects before and after the graphic organizers intervention were compared and analysed quantitatively using a computer program SPSS and the hypotheses were tested using independent-samples t-test at 0.05 level of significance to determine whether there was any significant differences between means of the scores. The data generated through the questionnaire was analysed using the SPSS and presented on the frequency table and bar chart to determine whether there was some changes in student’s attitudes and beliefs.
The results of this study showed that graphic organizers such as ranking ladder and chain of linked events had significantly improved the performance and retention of students and had positively impacted the student’s attitudes and beliefs towards writing and balancing of chemical equations. These results also suggest that graphic organizers can be an effective supporting tool in teaching and learning of learners.

Key words: Graphic organizers, Counter-balance, Ranking ladder organizer, Chain of linked event organizer and systematic inquiry.